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Mini 12v 800A portable emergency battery car charger and jumper starter Product Description Functional Description3*1W LEDTorch/Stobe/Sos/warning light Compass HammerBeat the glass for help in an emergency Seat belt knifecut the seat belt in emergency time ...
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摘要: The ASTM E84 flamespread of fibrous products such as hardboard is reduced by incorporation of a combination of alumina trihydrate and a source of B2O3, such as boric acid. The B2O3 source should be capable of providing B2O3 at a temperature below 400 DEG C....
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An apparatus and system for quickly inserting or removing and holding a roll of toilet paper along with its method of use which provides rollmounts which flex when a toilet paper or paper towel roll is pushed into the rollholder onto whi... John L. Eckhard,Arthur L. Loeffelman - US 被...