and analyze real-time blood flow and calcium dynamics in the beating zebrafish heart. The same system also permits high-throughput structural imaging of mounted, intact, cleared and expanded samples. SCAPE 2.0’s significantly lower photodamage compared to point-scanning techniques is also confirmed. ...
channel according to previously described boundaries32,33,34. The transferred region in all of the functional chimeras contains the crucial basic residues that contribute to gating charge movement in KVchannels35,36,37. Examination of conductance-voltage (G-V) relationships for the hNaV1.6/rKV2.1 ...
In the future, it may be feasible to design devices/kits based on image analysis, microfluidics, or lateral flow assays for rapid detection of MTV at the point of care. Moreover, a thorough investigation of samples from a large cohort of stung patients following M. tamulus sting will also ...