[4]Bruce B Allan1,Stacie Bell2,Kathryn Husarek2.Early Feasibility Study to Evaluate the Viveve System for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: Interim 6-Month Report.J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2020 Mar;29(3):383-389. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2018.7567. Epub 2019 Aug 29. [5]Bruce B Allan1,Stac...
Last week, Viveve said that itwon FDA clearanceto continue enrollment in its Viveve II trial exploring the safety and efficacy of its Viveve system for improving sexual function in women following vaginal childbirth. MEDTECH 100 Stock INDEX ...
Viveve Medical, Inc. is a medical technology company focused on women's intimate health. Viveve is committed to advancing new solutions to improve women's overall well-being and quality of life. The internationally patented Viveve® System incorporates Cryogen-cooled Monopolar Radio...
商品名称 Viveve™ Power Cord 制造商 Viveve, Inc. 注册日期 2014-11-21 代理 Viveve, Inc. 通用名 General-purpose electrosurgical diathermy system generator 包装说明书上的设备名称 Cordons d’alimentation 产品等级 Classe IIb 起源 Non 无菌 non 放射产品 non ...
商品名称 Viveve™ Coupling Fluid 制造商 Viveve, Inc. 注册日期 2014-11-21 代理 Viveve, Inc. 通用名 General-purpose electrosurgical diathermy system generator 包装说明书上的设备名称 Fluide de couplage 产品等级 Classe IIb 起源 Non 无菌 non 放射产品 non ...
商品名称 Viveve™ Hand Piece 制造商 Viveve, Inc. 注册日期 2014-11-21 代理 Viveve, Inc. 通用名 General-purpose electrosurgical diathermy system generator 包装说明书上的设备名称 Pièce à main 产品等级 Classe IIb 起源 Non 无菌 non 放射产品 non ...