Vivek Ramaswamy 对于这一消息,有美国政客评价:“我一直很欣赏 Vivek,因为他聪明、创新且无所畏惧。” 往前看,在生物技术领域,Ramaswamy 的声誉与 Roivant Sciences 这家公司息息相关! “为什么不接盘大公司放弃的药物继续研发呢?”2014年,Ramaswamy将这一想法落地,创立了生物技术公司Valor Biotechnology,也就是现在的...
Vivek Ramaswamy, a wealthy biotech entrepreneur and investor and the author of “Woke, Inc.,” has entered the Republican race for president.
Vivek Ramaswamyis an American entrepreneur, politician, and former business executive who used to work as an investment partner at a hedge fund (a pooled investment fund that trades in relatively liquid assets) firm before foundingRoivant Sciences(a healthcare and biotech company focused on applying...
Ramaswamy真应该感谢他那帮做对冲基金经理的朋友们,仅一个月之后,1亿美金就已到账,Friedhoff也顺理成章地加入了Axovant。除了Friedhoff,Ramaswamy还为Axovant挖来了参与阿尔茨海默病治疗药物Namenda研发过程的Lawrence Olanoff,以及曾经领导GSK神经科学领域药物研发的Atul Pande,让他主导intepirdine的研发。 今年4月,Ax...
虽然目前来看Ramaswamy拯救制药行业的可能性很低,但无论Roivant能否将在研药物推向市场,无论这种商业模式能否成功,对于他来说,赚这几十亿都不是一件非常困难的事情。 毕竟有太多这样的人:他们张口巴菲特,闭口索罗斯,整天做着一夜暴富的美梦。他们不懂生物学,对新药研发的难度也一无所知。他们把Ramaswamy奉若神灵,见...
Vivek Ramaswamy (born 1985) is an American biotech entrepreneur who drew national attention with his bid for the Republican nomination in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
Vivek Ramaswamy’s brashness made waves in the Republican debate — much as it did when he was in the biotechnology industry.
Ramaswamy, who turned 38 on Aug. 9, was born and raised in Cincinnati, and graduated summa cum laude in biology from Harvard and from Yale Law School. He founded the biotechnology company Roivant Sciences in 2014 seeking to revolutionize drug development. Ramaswamy oversaw the development of ...
2014年12月,Ramaswamy以500万美元的首付款从GSK购买了一款处于临床试验阶段的阿尔茨海默病药物intepirdine (RVT-101),这款药物也是Axovant当时的唯一资产。 GSK在2010年2月4日宣布放弃包括抑郁症,疼痛和神经退行性疾病在内的神经科学领域的新药研发,而intepirdine也受此影响而停止了临床研究,被束之高阁。Intepirdin...
Vivek Ramaswamy (born 1985) is an American biotech entrepreneur who drew national attention with his bid for the Republican nomination in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.