● Windows: 32-bit for Win7+(Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+ ● macOS: 10.9+ ● Linux DEB: 64-bit(Recommended) | 32-bit ● Linux RPM: 64-bit(Recommended) | 32-bit
Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ (Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+ macOS: 10.9+ Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit 更新日志 Regression[Address field] Progress bar causes Tab bar flicker on HiDPI screens: for Olli with love :P (VB-23933) ...
Download failures happen for various reasons, without installation log files I couldn't tell you why. In order to troubleshoot the installation failure, I'll need to review the installation log files. Please provide the following files: 32-bit OS: C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\Fl...
● Windows: 32-bit for Win7+(Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+ ● macOS: 10.9+ ● Linux DEB: 64-bit(Recommended) | 32-bit ● Linux RPM: 64-bit(Recommended) | 32-bit 本文转自d1net(转载)
Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ (Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+ macOS: 10.9+ Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Launch the browser: Take a look at the status bar. There, you will find a new camera icon: Click it. The following dial...
Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+ macOS: 10.10+ Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Linux Unsupported DEB: ARM32-bit | ARM64-bit Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help] The complete change log: [New] Create new Note via Quick Co...
目前Vivaldi Snapshot 1.7.735.36版本已经登陆GNU/Linux,macOS和微软Windows系统。 下载: Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ (推荐) | 64-bit for Win7+ macOS: 10.9+ Linux DEB: 64-bit (推荐) | 32-bit Linux RPM: 64-bit (推荐) | 32-bit [广告]活动入口: 买美股,上老虎 - 超低佣金,每股只需1美分...
下载:(1.5.658.21) Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ (Recommended) | 64-bit for Win7+ macOS: 10.9+ Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit [广告]活动入口: 买美股,上老虎 - 超低佣金,每股只需1美分...
A new browser for power users from the co-founder of Opera Rating: (7) Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 8 License: Freeware Developer: Vivaldi Software Cost: Free Category Internet Tools Date Updated: 30 January 2025 ...
Operating System Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 Author / Product Vivaldi Technologies / Vivaldi (32-bit) Filename Vivaldi.5.2.2623.26.exeFrom the creators of Opera, a Vivaldi Browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible, and puts the user fir...