Total Pulse width Negative Slack:所有脉冲宽度违例值之和,如果都不违例,则为0 Number of failing Endpoints:脉冲宽度违例的端点数目,上图为1个 Total Number of Enpoints:总的端点(时钟连接的时序单元)数目,上图为378个 下图示例为没有脉冲宽度违例,可以看出脉冲宽度违例和setup/hold违例是两个独立的概念 2) 在...
worst pulse width slack:报告最差的脉冲宽度slack值 Total Pulse width Negative Slack:所有脉冲宽度违例值之和,如果都不违例,则为0 Number of failing Endpoints:脉冲宽度违例的端点数目,上图为1个 Total Number of Enpoints:总的端点(时钟连接的时序单元)数目,上图为378个 下图示例为没有脉冲宽度违例,可以看出...
WNS(Worst negative Slack):最坏负松弛,所有时序路径上的最坏松弛,用于分析最大延迟。WNS为负数的时候表示有问题,为正时表示没有冲突。 TNS(Total Negative slack):总的负松弛,当只考虑每个时序路径端点最坏的冲突时,所有WNS的和。当满足所有的时序约束时,为0ns;否则,有冲突时,为负数。 Number of Failing Endp...
eachtasktousetheumnumberofthreads. Vivado%set_paramgeneral.maxThreads8 ImplementationSendFeedback7 Chapter1:PreparingforImplementation Tosummarize,thenumberofsimultaneousthreadsisthesmallestofthefollowingvalues: •umnumberofprocessors •Limitofthreadsforthetask •Generallimitofthreads TclAPISupportsScripting Th...
Total Number of Suggestions | 1| 5| | Automatic | 1| 4| | Manual | 0| 1| | APPLICABLE_AT | || | synth_design | 0| 4| | opt_design | 0| 0| | That overlap with synthesis suggestions | 0| 0| | place_design | 1| 1| | postplace_phys_opt_design | 0| 0| | route_...
In my timing summary report there are 460012 TNS Total Endpoints. If I do an llength [get_timing_paths -nworst 1 -max_paths <very_large_number>], there are 460014 timing paths returned. What is the reason for this inconsistency? Solution In this example, there are two endpoints that are...
The Total Negative Slack (TNS) is highlighted in red indicating the total amount of violations in the design and the Number of Failing Endpoints indicate total number of failing paths. Click on the WNS link and see the 8 failing paths. The 8 failing paths for the PYNQ Double-click on ...
eachtasktousetheumnumberofthreads. Vivado%set_paramgeneral.maxThreads8 ImplementationSendFeedback7 Chapter1:PreparingforImplementation Tosummarize,thenumberofsimultaneousthreadsisthesmallestofthefollowingvalues: •umnumberofprocessors •Limitofthreadsforthetask •Generallimitofthreads TclAPISupportsScripting Th...
Total Pulse width Negative Slack:所有脉冲宽度违例值之和,如果都不违例,则为0 Number of failing Endpoints:脉冲宽度违例的端点数目,上图为1个 Total Number of Enpoints:总的端点(时钟连接的时序单元)数目,上图为378个 下图示例为没有脉冲宽度违例,可以看出脉冲宽度违例和setup/hold违例是两个独立的概念 ...