Unexpected Assertion error in File /wrk/wall1/workspaces/wall756/sub/REL/2022.2/src/shared/synth/rtx/syn/gen/HARTGDramPipeline.cxx Line 559 An unrecoverable error has occurred, synthesis cancelled. TclStackFree: incorrect freePtr. Call out of sequence? Abnormal ...
I experienced the same issue with Vivado 2016.2. Once I had design ready I did directly Generate Bitstream (that run previous steps, synthesis and implementation). For couple of times I got the same issue, synthesis failed as it was described. Once I run just synthesis (Run Synthesis) the ...
60054 - Vivado Synthesis - "ERROR: [Synth 8-517]" is given when '0' and 'L' or '1' and 'H' values are both used in case statement Description The following errors are given when Vivado synthesis detects 'L' and 'H' are used with '0' and '1' at the same time in a case st...
55469 - Vivado Synthesis - Passing a generic constant through Vivado Project settings causes synthesis to fail with "Error [Synth 8-111] bad syntax for constant: '<const_name>'" Description I am passing variable as a generic (-generic {XYZ INV}) to my design but synthesis gives the follow...
Error: [Synth 8-2442] non-net port I_CLK cannot be of mode input ["*/demo.v":40] Error: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details Solution These errors occur because the default net type is changed by the `default_nettype...
Following are the synthesis, optimization, and analysis steps in the Vivado HLS design process: 1. Create a project with an initial solution. 2. Verify the C simulation executes without error. 3. Run synthesis to obtain a set of results. 4. Analyze the results. After analyzing the results,...
标题 56357 - Kintex-7 FPGA Embedded Kit, 2012.3 - "ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Vivado Synthesis fails for Video_Demo design" Description I am attempting to compile Video_demo design (available in Kintex-7 FPGA Embedded TRD in Vivado) and have received the following error: ...
If the JTAG Clock is inactive or unavailable, you are not able to connect to the hardware target. If the Debug Hub Clock is inactive or unavailable, the Vivado Hardware Manager issues the following error message: INFO: [Labtools 27-1434] Device xxx (JTAG
1. I clean up all data without source.2. synthesis strategy from 2016ver to Flow_PerfOptimized_...
vitis hls 2020.2 Pre-synthesis failed, but it didn't prompt any errors. How can I find out the cause of the error and fix it? #define READ_COL 4 void read_data(kern_colmeta *colmeta , int ncols , HeapTupleHeaderData *htup , cl_char tup_dclass[READ_COL] , cl_long tup_values...