方法1:在tcl console中执行report_cdc -waiver可以查看设置的waiver详情 也可使用report_waiver命令 方法2:执行Report CDC时Waivers中勾选Report only waived paths 此时Summary或CDC Details中都只会报告设置了waivers的路径 方法3:tcl console中使用report_cdc -details -show_waiver,无论CDC是否设置Waiver都会被报告 2...
方法1:在tcl console中执行report_cdc -waiver可以查看设置的waiver详情 也可使用report_waiver命令 方法2:执行Report CDC时Waivers中勾选Report only waived paths 此时Summary或CDC Details中都只会报告设置了waivers的路径 方法3:tcl console中使用report_cdc -details -show_waiver,无论CDC是否设置Waiver都会被报告 2...
ReportCDC(report_cdc) 命令可执行设计中时钟域交汇的结构分析。您可使用此信息来识别潜在不安全的 CDC,此类 CDC 可能导致亚稳态或数据一致性问题。Report CDC 类似于“Clock Interaction”(时钟交互)报告,但 Report CDC 侧重于结构和相关的时序约束。Report CDC 不提供时序信息,因为时序裕量对于跨异步时钟域的路径...
After a violation is waived, it is no longer reported by the report_cdc, report_drc, or report_methodology commands. Waived checks are also filtered out from the mandatory DRCs run at the start of the implementation commands, such as opt_design, place_design, and route_design. For more ...
Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906) [Ref 4] for detailed information about report_cdc. For the cases where the wizard does not recommend a constraint due to the presence of some set_max_delay -datapath_only, the other CDC paths that...
Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906) for detailed information about report_cdc. For the cases where the wizard does not recommend a constraint due to the presence of some set_max_delay -datapath_only, the other CDC paths that are ...
VIVADO中时序报告中WNS,WHS,TNS,THS含义运行“report_timing”或“report_timing_summary”命令后,会注意到 WNS、TNS、WHS 和 THS 2021-10-21 14:32:35 Vivado:行业首款 SoC 增强型设计套件最新消息 交互式时钟域的交叉分析:该功能支持设计人员在设计早期阶段调试CDC问题。结合Vivado设计套件的交互式时序分析和交...