tcl命令控制台里输入:remove_files [get_files -filter {IS_AVAILABLE == 0}]
使用remove_files命令可以将指定的源文件从设计工程中移除,同时自动更新设计工程的综合和布局信息。在移除源文件时,要注意避免错误操作,以免导致设计工程的混乱和错误。 三、查看源文件列表 除了添加和移除源文件,source命令还可以用于查看设计工程中当前已存在的源文件列表。通过查看源文件列表,可以了解设计工程的组成结构...
创建项目:启动Vivado后,点击“File”菜单中的“New Project”选项,或者直接点击工具栏上的“New Project”图标,然后在弹出的对话框中输入项目名称和选择项目保存的位置,最后点击“Finish”按钮。添加设计文件:在新建的项目中,点击“File”菜单中的“Add/Remove Files in Project”,然后在弹出的对话框中选择你的...
The below Tcl command can also be used: remove_files -fileset utils_1 <DCP_path>.dcp file delete -force <DCP_path>.dcp If you are still seeing the crash, please post your log files (hs_pidxxxx.logandrunme.log) and design details here: Xilinx Forums: Synthesis Board Additional important...
directoryoutputdirectorywithotherIP.remove_filescommand(seetheVivadoDesignSuiteTcl XilinxrecommendsthatyouMoveIPCommandReferenceGuide(UG835)[Ref23]. ceeachIPinitsown •Importitbackintotheprojectwithauniquedirectory directory.import_filescommand. IPdefinitionnotIPdefinitionAddIPdefinitiontoConsulttheIPcatalogforther...
You can manually delete the Xilinx folder in the C drive. Also remove any related files from ...
You can toggle source files between enabled and disabled to define different design configurations. Disabled source files display as shaded gray in the Sources window. Note: Disabling the file removes the file from the compile list and hierarchy but does not remove the file from the project. ...
# --- REMOVE LINES BELOW HERE --- 将以上代码复制到文本文件中,并将文本文件命名为Xilinx.lic(其他名称也可以,但是要注意文件名要全英文并且将拓展名设置成为.lic),在这里,license文件就生成了。 下载的可使用的激活许可证自修改: 个人建议到官网下载一个许可证,即使是30...
If the .coe file message continues to be displayed after closing and reopening a project, even though the IP core has been regenerated, the reference can be removed from the IP core (for example, "remove_files <erroneous_file>").