vivado软件bug。 重新编译会好使。
Are these the same nets? yes. the problem began when I changed the xdc file. could you tell me, how can I do it properly? thanks. Jul 5, 2016 #6 S shaiko Advanced Member level 5 Joined Aug 20, 2011 Messages 2,644 Helped 303 Reputation 608 Reaction score 297 ...
[] List of clock source ports, pins or nets A short summary of the syntax of a command is also available with the -syntax option: Vivado% help create_clock -syntax create_clock Syntax: create_clock -period [-name ] [-waveform ] [-add] [-quiet][-verbose] [] In addition to ...
[] List of clock source ports, pins or nets A short summary of the syntax of a command is also available with the -syntax option: Vivado% help create_clock -syntax create_clock Syntax: create_clock -period [-name ] [-waveform ] [-add] [-quiet][-verbose] [] UG894 (v2022.1) June...
Partially reused nets indicate that some of the routing of the nets reuses routing from the reference design. Some segments re-route due to changed cells, changed cell placements, or both. Non-reused nets indicate that the net in the current design was not matched in the reference design. ...
Use the left-mouse key to make connections between ports and nets. UG948 (v2020.2) December 11, 2020 Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator Send Feedback 13 Lab 1: Introduction to System Generator The next part of the design process is to configure the System ...
°get_cells/get_nets/get_pinsnamepattern °TheNAMEpropertyoftheobjectshowsthefullhierarchicalpathoftheobject relativetothetop-levelandnotjustthescopedinstance.Ifyouusethe-filter optionoftheget_*commandsontheNAMEproperty,youmustusetheglobstring matchoperatorandprovideapatternwhichstartswitha*.Forexample: get...
• Querying any object in the design is possible using the -of_objects option: ° Example: get_pins -leaf -of_objects [get_nets local_net] • Queries are supported for top-level ports connected to the current instance interface nets: ° get_ports -of_objects [get_nets ...
To get more info i tried to run individually one of those single nets and finally i ran also the routing status report and i got the following reports route_design -nets [get_nets dacInterface/dataClockOut/inst/top_inst/bs_ctrl_top_inst/RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4[21]] Command: route_design -n...
67747 - Vivado - 2016.2 - GT REFCLK pin swapping leads to partially routed nets Description Using the available pin swapping feature from Vivado in an UltraScale Design results in some nets being partially routed. In some cases, the GUI will show zero under the "Failed Routes" column from th...