选择需要添加到OOC运行的模块,右键->Set As Out-Of-Context for Synthesis,弹出如下窗口: 其中Clock Constraint File必须创建一个新的XDC文件或在下拉菜单中选择一个已经存在的XDC文件,该约束文件中要有该模块时钟信号的相关约束。点击OK后,该模块会出现在Design Runs窗口的Out-of-ContextModuleRuns目录中,还有Compile...
选择需要添加到OOC运行的模块,右键->Set As Out-Of-Context for Synthesis,弹出如下窗口: 其中Clock Constraint File必须创建一个新的XDC文件或在下拉菜单中选择一个已经存在的XDC文件,该约束文件中要有该模块时钟信号的相关约束。点击OK后,该模块会出现在Design Runs窗口的Out-of-Context Module Runs目录中,还有Comp...
选择需要添加到OOC运行的模块,右键->Set As Out-Of-Context for Synthesis,弹出如下窗口: 其中Clock Constraint File必须创建一个新的XDC文件或在下拉菜单中选择一个已经存在的XDC文件,该约束文件中要有该模块时钟信号的相关约束。点击OK后,该模块会出现在Design Runs窗口的Out-of-Context Module Runs目录中,还有Comp...
接着就弹出了“Generate Output Products”窗口,我们直接点击“Generate”即可,如下图所示: 之后我们就可以在“Design Run”窗口的“Out-of-Context Module Runs”一栏中看到该 IP 核对应的 run“blk_mem_gen_0_synth_1”,其综合过程独立于顶层设计的综合,所以我们可以看到其正在综合,如下图所示: 接下来我们看下...
The "Out-of-Context Module Runs" end with "synth_design ERROR". Simple check shows, that this is caused by incorrect order of compilation. The fanny thing is that if I launch the OOC Module Runs manually in Design Runs Window they compile correctly, but as soon as...
Open the Design Runs tab in the Out-of-Context Module Runs folder, and find the IP where you set the IS_MANAGED property to FALSE, with the name <IP_name>_synth_1. Execute the following command in the Tcl Console to reset the run: reset_run <ip_name>_synth_1 b) Re-launch the...
If I change the configuration of an IP block in my Block Design (BD), the Out of Context (OOC) runs of the BD go out of date. Even if I decide not to save the BD and the changes to the block I edited, the OOC runs remain out of date and have to be re-run before Synthesis...
17. On the PROBE_OUT Ports tab, set Probe Width to 2 and Initial Value to 0x0. 18. Click OK to generate the IP. The Generate Output Products dialog box appears. Click Generate. An additional dialog box may appear indicating that an out-of-context module run has been launched, if so...
Out-of-Context(OOC) 综合是一种自底向上的设计流程,默认情况下,Vivado设计套件使用OOC的设计流程来综合OOC模块。OOC模块可以是来自IP Catalog的IP、来自Vivado IP Integrator的block design或者顶层模块下手动设置为OOC方式的任何子模块。 来自IP Catalog的IP就默认使用OOC的综合方式,例如上图中的“Synthesis Options”...
Out-of-Context(OOC) 综合是一种自底向上的设计流程,默认情况下,Vivado设计套件使用OOC的设计流程来综合OOC模块。OOC模块可以是来自IP catalog的IP、来自Vivado IP Integrator的block design或者顶层模块下手动设置为OOC方式的任何子模块。 来自IP catalog的IP就默认使用OOC综合的方式,例如上图中的“Synthesis Options”...