2.3 恢复时间余量(ns)、撤销时间余量(ns) 在Timing Summary-timing_1→ Other Path Groups WNS(恢复时间余量)、WHS(撤销时间余量) 2.4 最高运行频率(MHz)、时钟余量(%) 最高运行频率(MHz)=1000/(1000/50 - 建立时间余量) 时钟余量 = (最高运行频率-50)/ 最高运行频率 3 FAST工况(最小工况)静态时序报告...
These include inter-clock paths, intra-clock paths, other path groups, user ignored paths, and unconstrained paths. Clicking the roots will show a summary of the paths beneath. Expanding the tree further will ultimately display the top timing paths for each group. UG945 (v2022.1) June 8, ...
Xilinxdevice.Liketheotherimplementationcommands,theVivadocerworksfrom,and updates,thein-memorydesign. DesigncementOptimization TheVivadocersimultaneouslyoptimizesthedesigncementfor: •Timingslack:cementofcellsintiming-criticalpathsischosentominimizenegative slack. •Wirelength:Overallcementisdriventominimizetheoverall...
set_clock_groups的优先级更高,会取代set_max_delay,因此不能和其一块使用) 另外在约束最小延迟和最大延迟时,如果-from和-to中的节点选择不合理,会出现路径分割(Path...数set_false_path指示设计中的某条逻辑路径不进行时序分析set_max_delay、set_min_delay设置最小与最大路径延迟值,会重写默认的建立与保持...
I am wondering if I use set_false_path instead of set_clock_groups would it make Vivado ...
• Options • Group Header: Groups headers for related properties, such as MEM properties (shown in the following figure). • Autoscroll to Selected: Scrolls the list of objects in the Property Editor to show the objects selected in other windows, such as the Sources or Netlist windows....
“Other Path Groups”部分 “User-Ignored Paths”部分 “Unconstrained Paths”部分 复查时序路径详情 筛选含违例的路径 Report Bus Skew 运行“Report Bus Skew” 复查总线偏差路径详情 “Bus Skew Report Summary”部分 “Bus Skew Report Per Constraint”部分 “Report Bus Skew”对话框 “Report...
在status列看到有缩写FP表示set_false_path,同时可能出现其他缩写,CG(set_clock_groups),MXD(set_max_path),MND(set_min_path),MCP(set_multicycle_path),DPO(set_max_path -datapath_only)。 2.4 资源分析 资源分析可以通过综合和实现中的Report Utiliation运行,也可以在tcl console窗口执行命令report_utilizatio...
1. Provide the destination path (which does not have any other files) and choose the platform for which the installer is desired. Zip archive can be selected to have a zip file of the same installer. 2. Select the image contents. • Full Image: Download the entire installer. • ...
set_clock_groups set_false_path 但需要对一个项目具体的时钟运用了如指掌是时序约束的前提,时钟关系只要设计者最明白。 这里还需要说明一点,对于主时钟的约束,有的时候是不需要手动约束的,这是建立在你对这个主时钟使用了MMCM或者PLL之类的时钟管理资源的基础上,在这些IP核定制的过程中,需要输入时钟的频率,IP生...