在Flow Navigator中,单击Open Elaborated Design,Open Synthesized Design或Open Implemented Design。 For more information, see Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis and Constraints Definition. 打开设计时,Flow Navigator会显示一组常用命令,用于设计流程的适用阶段。 在Flow Navigator中选择任何这些命令将打开设计...
在Flow Navigator中,单击Open Elaborated Design,Open Synthesized Design或Open Implemented Design。 For more information, see Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis and Constraints Definition. 打开设计时,Flow Navigator会显示一组常用命令,用于设计流程的适用阶段。 在Flow Navigator中选择任何这些命令将打开设计...
我们点击“Flow Navigator”窗口中的“Open Synthesized Design”按钮,如下图所示:图4.3.14 点击“Open Synthesized Design”按钮 在综合后设计的窗口布局选择器中,我们选择“Debug”窗口布局,如下图所示:图4.3.15 切换到“Debug”窗口布局 此时,Vivado打开了“Netlist”子窗口、“Schematic”子窗口以及“Debug”子窗口...
在Flow Navigator中,单击Open Elaborated Design,Open Synthesized Design或Open Implemented Design。 For more information, see Opening Designs to Perform Design Analysis and Constraints Definition. 打开设计时,Flow Navigator会显示一组常用命令,用于设计流程的适用阶段。 在Flow Navigator中选择任何这些命令将打开设计...
Vivado does not free up the memory used to open a Synthesized/Implemented Design after I close it. The memory usage does not go down in the task manager after I close the design in the GUI. Is this a memory leak? Solution This situation is specific to Windows 7. When you close the ...
(2)综合或实现需要生成edif的verilog或vhdl源文件。 (3)open Elaborated Design or Open Synthesized Design or Open Implemented Design (4) tcl console:write_edif xx.edf (5) tcl console:write_verilog -mode synth_stub xx_stub.v (6) 调用 xx.edf和xx_stub.v ...
vivado 导出硬件出现“ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: write_hw_platform is only supported for synthesized, implemented, or checkpoint designs close_design”错误 这个错误表示当前项目不支持导出,如下图所示
1. Tcl command to find out if an open synthesized or implemented design is out-of-date: get_property NEEDS_REFRESH [get_runs <run_name>] If the opened design status is out-of-date then this command returns 1 and if it is up to-date then 0. ...