希望会有帮助 Admin Note –This thread was edited to update links as a result of our community migration. The original post date was 2019-09-10. 赞回复 登录以回答主题 赛灵思中文社区论坛 ACAP,FPGA架构和板卡 IP应用 开发工具 嵌入式开发 VITIS AI, 机器学习和 VITIS ACCELERATION...
You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at different points in the flow. • Store the constraints in one or more XDC files. To load the XDC file in memory, do one of the following: ° Use the read_xdc command. ° Add it to one of your project constraints sets. XDC files ...
You can enter XDC constraints in several ways, at different points in the flow. • Store the constraints in one or more XDC files. To load the XDC file in memory, do one of the following: ° Use the read_xdc command. ° Add it to one of your project constraints sets. XDC files ...
Organizing Your Constraints The Vivado IDE allows you to use one or many constraint files. While using a single constraint file for the entire compilation flow might seem more convenient, it can be a challenge to maintain all the constraints as the design becomes more complex. This is usually ...
Organizing Your Constraints The Vivado IDE allows you to use one or many constraint files. While using a single constraint file for the entire compilation flow might seem more convenient, it can be a challenge to maintain all the constraints as the design becomes more complex. This is usually ...
non-clock pins in a single tile. Please modify the design such that each cell has at most 2 clocks driving its non-clock pins. Also, if one or more cells should be grouped together and placed in one tile, make sure the total number of such clocks does not exceed the maximum suggested...
The Tcl command write_xdc requires that a synthesized netlist be open with one or more UCF files loaded. From the PlanAhead tool, do the following: 1. Open your project that contains UCF constraints. 2. Click Open Synthesized Design. 3. In the Tcl Console, type: write_xdc .xdc The ...
The Tcl command write_xdc requires that a synthesized netlist be open and one or more UCF files loaded. From the PlanAhead tool, do the following: 1. Open your project that contains UCF constraints. 2. Click Open Synthesized Design. 3. In the Tcl Console, type: write_xdc filename.xdc....
ConstraintFilesOrderwithIPCores ManyIPcoresaredeliveredwithoneormoreXDCfiles.WhensuchIPcoresaregenerated withinyourRTLproject,theirXDCfilesarealsousedduringthevariousdesigncompilation steps. Forexample,Figure2-4showsthatoneoftheIPcoresintheprojectcomeswithanXDC file. UsingConstraintsSendFeedback14 UG903(v2019.1...