- The target is local so I am using the local server - I click next to launch the hw_server (port 3121) - After the Wizard tried to connect to the server it displays no hardware targets and did not find the board that is actually connect to the USB port.I...
1. 先将FPGA开发板上电,并将Xlinx FPGA下载器与电脑和板子连好。 2. 在如下位置找到 open Hardware Manager -> Open Target。点击Open Target -> auto connect 。 3. 点击 Open Target -> auto connect 等待一会,如果如下图提示No target is open。右击箭头所指的localhost,再点击 close server。 4. 将操...
It reports unconnected and "No hardware target is open". If I then click on "Open target" and select "Open New Target", the wizard starts up. On the Hardware Server Settings I select Connect to Local server and click Next, the Select Hardware Target window appears but the...
options whether it is the "Open Recent" or "Open a new hardware target". There is no error...
如果从Hardware Manager中的早期阶段取消,则不会发生问题。不确定我正在使用的Digilent HS2电缆是否有贡献...
27、gator 中展开 Hardware Manager,点击 Open New Target),依元素科技有限公司Xilinx全球合作伙伴www.e-# / 34Vivado设计流程手册依元素科技有限公司Xilinx全球合作伙伴www.e-# / 34Vivado设计流程手册依元素科技有限公司Xilinx全球合作伙伴www.e-# / 34E-ELEMENTSVivado设计流程手册Xilinx全球合作伙伴# / 34E-ELEMENT...
The fpga part no is mentioned as XC7A35t CSG324ABX1841. The jumper JP1 is open. The power led is on. When i run open hardware manager the localhost(1) status is connected. In hardware target properties, name is displayed as localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210319A...
Hi all,I am trying to program the ZedBoard with the JTAG connection using the Vivado version 2015.4 on an Ubuntu 16.04 distro. However, when I try to open the target board with the Hardware Manager, it appears the following error message:" [...
12).单击左侧导航窗口最下方Hardware Manager中的Open Target,然后选择Auto Connect 13).单击Hardware Manager中的Program Device,单击xc7z020_1默认设置,单击Program将比特流烧写到ZedBoard板上;完成后板上的DONE蓝灯会亮, 提示比特流文件下载到ZedBoard板上成功: ...
12).单击左侧导航窗口最下方Hardware Manager中的Open Target,然后选择Auto Connect 13).单击Hardware Manager中的Program Device,单击xc7z020_1默认设置,单击Program将比特流烧写到ZedBoard板上;完成后板上的DONE蓝灯会亮, 提示比特流文件下载到ZedBoard板上成功: ...