set_multicycle_path-hold-from[get_cells{cmd_parse_i0/send_resp_data_reg[*]}-include_replicated_objects]-to[get_cells{resp_gen_i0/to_bcd_i0/bcd_out_reg[*]}]1 set_multicycle_path-from[get_cellsuart_rx_i0/uart_rx_ctl_i0/*-filterIS_SEQUENTIAL]-to[get_cellsuart_rx_i0/uart_rx_...
recommend external delay constraints when there is a sequential cell in the feedback path,such as ODDR, which is used for generating a forwarded clock. In this case, you must createthe external delay constraints manually or using the Timing Constraints window afterexiting the wizard.在当前的Vivad...
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { NAME =~ "*ila_core_inst/u_ila_regs/reg_1a/I_EN_CTL_EQ1.U_CTL/xsdb_reg_reg*" && IS_SEQUENTIAL } ] -to [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { NAME =~ "*ila_core_inst/en_adv_trigger_2_reg*" && IS_SEQUENTIAL} ] set_fal...
ThedefaultnumberofumsimultaneousthreadsisbasedontheOS.ForWindows systems,thelimitis2;forLinuxsystemsthedefaultis8.Thelimitcanbechangedusinga parametercalledgeneral.maxThreads.TochangethelimitusethefollowingTcl command: Vivado%set_paramgeneral.maxThreadsnewlimit wherethenewlimitmustbeanintegerfrom1to8,inclusive....
Tip: For the timing constraint use the -filter IS_SEQUENTIAL with the get_cells command to target only sequential elements. Run the DRC report (report_drc) and Methodology report (report_methodology) with the clocking, timing and XDC ruledecks. ...
-help. Note: For information on launching and using the Vivado® Design suite, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Getting Started (UG910) [Ref 2] The language is easily extended with new function calls, so that it has been expanded to support new tools and technology since its inception...
See all versions of this document Vivado Design Suite User Guide Using Tcl Scripting UG894 (v2022.1) June 8, 2022 Xilinx is creating an environment where employees, customers, and partners feel welcome and included. To that end, we're removing non- inclusive language from our products and ...
A combinational path is a path that traverses the FPGA without being captured by any sequential elements. This design does not contain any combinational paths. 16. Click Next to continue. Physically exclusive clock groups are clocks that do not exist in the design at the same time. There are...
The set_multicycle_path constraint is normally used for intra-chip paths among sequential elements inside the FPGA such as FFs, RAMs, DSPs and etc. However, when constraining inter-chip paths with the set_input_delay and set_output_delay constraints, the set_multicycle_path constraint might ...
Differences Between XDC and UCF Constraints The fundamental differences between XDC and UCF constraints are: • XDC is a sequential language, with clear precedence rules. • UCF constraints are typically applied to nets, for which XDC constraints are typically applied to pins, ports, and cell ...