Quartus II 无法正常编译和仿真 保留现场 仿真时出现以下错误 Error:Current license file does not support the EP3C16Q240C8 device 编译时出现下面三错误 探究原因 软件**失败 解决方法 重新安装** 重装资源:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kgqC46pn7mgGRCsVFGuAkA提取码:0b...VIVADO 级联 MODELSIM 仿真 R...
to imply that the specified board (Virtex 6) is not supported even though it is clarified in ...
针对你遇到的 [vivado 12-13277] compiled library path does not exist: '' 错误,这是Vivado在编译过程中无法找到指定的编译库路径所导致的。下面我将根据提供的tips,逐一分析并给出可能的解决方案: 确认Vivado版本和环境设置是否正确: 确保你安装的Vivado版本与你的项目或设计需求相匹配。 检查Vivado的环境变量设...
This error is occurred because package tap is not compiled into library work.Right click tap on ...
ERROR: [Synth 8-4169] error in use clause: package 'xxx' not found in library 'yyy' Solution This error occurs because the package file 'xxx' is not compiled into library 'yyy'. This can happen when the package file is not added into project sources at all or is compiled into a dif...
ERROR: [VRFC 10-149] 'axi_bram_ctrl' is not compiled in library axi_bram_ctrl_v4_0_14 [c:/SRs/10451262_sim/axi_dma_0_ex/axi_dma_0_ex.srcs/sources_1/ip/axi_bram_ctrl_1/sim/axi_bram_ctrl_1.vhd:57] Solution You can manually regenerate the missing xsim libraries to work around...
ERROR: [VRFC 10-149] 'packed_samples_pkg' is not compiled in library xil_defaultlib [C:/testcase/Vivado/packed_samples.srcs/sim_1/imports/vhdl/packed_samples_wrap_TB.vhd:26] According to the error the "packed_samples_wrap_pkg.vhd" file is not getting compiled. Is this a known issue...
ERROR: [Vivado 12-2124] Can not update non-existent setup file synopsys_sim.setup.ERROR: [Vivado 12-2146] Failed to update the setup file(s) for simulator vcs_mx. Library verilog.secureip will not be compiled. Why is this happening and is there any way to resolve it? Solution The prob...
ERROR: [Vivado 12-2146] Failed to update the setup file(s) for simulator questasim. Library vhdl.unisim will not be compiled. How can I resolve this issue? Solution One work-around is to delete the modelsim.ini file in the current working directory and then run compile_simlib again. ...
During the compilation task, Vivado makes a copy of this file at the beginning of the process and adds the compiled libraries at the bottom of the file (library mapping). Once the files is created/copied in the working directory for compilation, the Vivado compilation tool starts to write to...