@文心快码[coretcl 2-155] invalid project file name 'vivado'. file must have a valid v 文心快码 针对你提出的问题 [coretcl 2-155] invalid project file name 'vivado'. file must have a valid vivado project extension,以下是我给出的详细解答: 1. 确认项目文件名错误的具体原因 在Vivado中,当你尝...
3. ERROR: [Place 30-699] Instance <module_name> cannot be placed because it could not be legally placed 在进行布局布线的时候,会出现这种错误。一般是由于硬件资源不足导致无法布局布线。解决方法可以尝试使用更高容量的FPGA或者优化RTL代码。 4. ERROR: [Opt 31-141] Invalid option [] 这种错误通常是...
Python invalid non-printable character U+00A0 1.错误描述 运行复制粘贴过来的python代码报: Python invalidnon-printablecharacterU+00A02.错误原因 复制的代码中空格和Python中的格式不一样造成的;3.解决方案 把空格删除重新输入空格,例如上图中的红色部分就是异常空格,删除重新输入空格就可以运行了; ...
Try to check vivado.xml file, it is under C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Xilinx\Vivado\<version, like 2021.2>. If the file contains(especially in 'recent path' catalog) garbled characters under 'utf-8' , then vivado will reset the vivado.xml file to default each time it exits/starts...
It also displays the invalid constraints.使用“时序约束”窗口可视化内存中的约束向导的每个页面都包含一个选项卡,该选项卡显示与步骤建议的相同类型的现有约束。 这对于快速查看已在XDC文件中创建的约束的详细信息很方便。 有关内存中所有时序约束的完整视图,Timing Constraints窗口显示由XDC文件组织的完整约束序列,...
[, Vivado Commands, General Messages, [Board 49-26] cannot add Board Part xilinx.com:kc705:part0:1.6 available at D:/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/data/xhub/boards/XilinxBoardStore/boards/Xilinx/kc705/1.6/board.xml as part xc7k325tffg900-2 specified in board_part file is either invalid or not...
(Answer Record 60166) MIG 7 Series - LPDDR2 - [Route 35-54] Net: < net_name> is not completely routed 2.0 Rev2 2.1 (Answer Record 59517) MIG 7 Series - Running example design produces [Constrains 18-402] warnings due to invalid startpoints 2.0 Rev2 2.1 (Answer Record 58634) MIG 7...
If no path is specified as part of the file name, then the Vivado tools look for the file in the working directory, or the directory from which the Vivado Design Suite was launched. Within the Vivado IDE you can also source a Tcl script from the Tools → Run Tcl Script menu ...
66395 - 2015.4 Vivado IP Flows - Creating an example design for the GT Wizard IP instance gives: [Common 17-69] Command failed: ERROR:HACGExampleFork: Invalid script name specified Description I have a Managed IP project with a GT Wizard IP core. ...
Vivado can't find a valid top level module (see attached InvalidTopModule.png) and if I try to assign one, it says there is none available (see attached NoModuleFound.png). It also issues the following message: [Common 17-691] Could not find Tcl app riviera from data catalog The ...