I'm using Vivado 2014.4 to generate the bit file with Performance_ExplorePostRoutePhyOpt implementation strategy. It is taking too much time to generate the bit file. I tried to generate the bit file 9 times with the above im...
Again, I am able to complete compilation (synthesis, implementation, bitstream), and the error is just with the syntax checker/language server (squiggly red underscored "vcomponents", with the error message in the tooltip). Please try a fresh Standard install with ...
impl_1] set_property STEPS.PHYS_OPT_DESIGN.TCL.POST [pwd]/ post_phys_opt_design.tcl [get_runs impl_1] set_property STEPS.ROUTE_DESIGN.TCL.POST [pwd]/ post_route_design.tcl [get_runs impl_1] launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream wait_on_run impl_1 puts "Implementation done...
Adding more registers is a brute force way to overwhelm the capacity of the more complex primitives (add enough and the tools can't even fit into a single SRL) but its both wasteful of resources, power, and implementation effort. The correct answer is to learn how to use viviado and the...
Adding more registers is a brute force way to overwhelm the capacity of the more complex primitives (add enough and the tools can't even fit into a single SRL) but its both wasteful of resources, power, and implementation effort. The correct answer is to learn how to use viviado and the...
c) its taking so long after this was shown so well by@LukasVik(Member) , and accepted by Xilinx, and its still not fixed d) it makes downloads a real pain for a lot of users, might not be the BIG guys, but there are very few of them, which implies that the rest of us...
Those trying to compare today’s RTL to HLS movement with the movement from Schematic Capture to RTL of 30 years ago are at best engaging in wishful thinking. I’d just started my career when synthesis started taking over. It was readily apparent ...
https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2017_1/ug904-vivado-implementation.pdf - using incremental compilation https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/57853.html LikeReply2 likes gwideman (Member) 6 years ago hbucher: I appreciate your taking the time to answer. And yes,...
Add phys_opt_design to the implementation flow. This will do timing based physical optimization which can help with congestion. Multiple iterations of phys_opt_design can also help, with each using different options. Also, there is the option to use phys_opt_design post-placement or post-routi...
Implementation worked. Bitstream generation failed due to remaining mismatches. I can get past this, so I'll go ahead and post. The point here is that my clone 325T project passes Synth without crashing like the current 325T project. (((Meanwhile, still struggling to get 20GB tar gz of ...