时序违例(Timing Violation)指的是在数字电路中,信号不能按照设计的要求在特定的时间内稳定或传输,这通常发生在时钟频率过高或数据路径延迟过长时。时序违例主要分为建立时间违例(Setup Time Violation)和保持时间违例(Hold Time Violation)两种。 2. 时序违例在Vivado中的具体表现 在Vivado中,时序违例通常会在编译过程...
Rundifferentalgorithmsinmultiplepassesofoptimization,includingholdviolation fixingandreplicationforveryhighfanous. •ExploreWithAggressiveHoldFix: Rundifferentalgorithmsinmultiplepassesofoptimization,includingaggressivehold violationfixingandreplicationforveryhighfanous. TIP:Hold-Fixingonlyfixesholdtimeaboveacertainthreshold...
61423 - Vivado - Hold violation occurs for a path starting from BUFG/O Description A path starting from a clock buffers output pin and ending at a registers D input pin shows hold violations: Min Delay Paths --- Slack (VIOLATED) : -0.745ns (arrival time - required time) Source: ccu/cl...
Explore: 在多个优化过程中运行不同的算法,包括对非常高的扇出net的复制,最后一个阶段称为关键路径优化,其中物理优化的子集在【所有端点时钟的顶级关键路径】上运行,而不考虑冗余。 ExploreWithHoldFix: 在多个优化过程中运行不同的算法,包括hold violation fixing和复制高扇出nets。 技巧:Hold-Fixing只修复保持时间高于...
I just had a case where all timing was met except for a hold time violation and the above tcl command sets pass as true. I cannot seem to find an equivalent property to query hold time violations. I don't see anything in report_property [get_timing_paths] that works. Thanks Dan ...
did you fix hold violation? Are you still seeing the tool hang during routing?--Syed ---...
The Timing Path Summary displays the important information from the timing path details. You can review it to find out about the cause of a violation without having to analyze the details of the timing path. It includes slack, path requirement, datapath delay, cell delay, route delay, clock ...
YES NO (clean constraints) Fix RTL Design Add Synthesis Attributes Use different Synthesis Options Save your constraints Run implementation X12981 Before proceeding to implementation, you must verify that your design does not include any major timing violation. The place-and-route tools can fix most...
) Fix RTL Design Add Synthesis Attributes Use different Synthesis Options Save your constraints Run implementation Figure 2-49: Creating Constraints with the Synthesized Design X12981 Before proceeding to implementation, you must verify that your design does not include any major timing violation. ...
如果要深究时序仿真的问题,可能需要具体定位到出错模块,另外,可以关注一下log里关于violation之类的告警。 从应用的角度来说,如果约束加对加全了,推荐参考静态时序分析结果为准。如果功能仿真正确,建议直接上板验证。 LikeReply 214289iseyu0e2 (Member) 2 years ago 非常感谢您...