(1)标准FIFO下 synchronization stage 异步时钟FIFO独有的值 表示FIFO 读时钟域的 rd_data_out开始有值的时间 当synchronization stages = 4时 在write_data_count被写入值后,经过(synchronization stages + 2) = 4个读时钟上升沿,read_data_count+1 (2)wr_data_out 写时钟第一个上升沿检测到读使能,写入一...
使用起来非常简单,但 FIFO 只能顺序写入数据,并按顺序读出数据,其数据地址由内部读写指针自动加 1 完成,不能像普通存储器那样可以由地址线决定读取或写入某个指定的地址,不过也正是因为这个特性,使得 FIFO 在使用时并不存在像 RAM 那样的读写冲突问题。
DEST_SYNC_FFDECIMAL2to104Numberofregisterstagesusedtosynchronize signalinthedestinationclockdomain. INIT_SYNC_FFDECIMAL0,100-Disablebehavioralsimulationinitialization value(s)onsynchronizationregisters. 1-Enablebehavioralsimulationinitialization value(s)onsynchronizationregisters. SIM_ASSERT_CHKDECIMAL0,100-Disablesim...
* Increased the maximum number of synchronization stages from 4 to 8. The minimum FIFO depth is limited to 32 when number of synchronization stages is > 4 2013.2: * Version 10.0 (Rev. 1) * Constraints processing order changed 2013.1: ...
* Bug Fix: Changed default number of synchronization stages used in asynchronous clock conversion from 2 to 3 to improve MTBF characteristics * Bug Fix: Fixed customization GUI issue that occasionally caused an error message to appear in the log describing undefined meta-parameter SC_CONFIG_ALL *...
(Answer Record 64142)Vivado IPI - AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem v6.2 or earlier - UltraScale SGMII over LVDS - Synchronization and reset issuev6.2See Answer Record (Answer Record 63106)LogiCORE Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC, 10-Gigabit Ethernet MAC, AXI Ethernet and AXI 10G Ethernet- Vivado 2014.4 ...