一、报错信息如下: [DRC NSTD-1] Unspecified I/O Standard: 1 out of 9 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal in...
要允许使用未指定的I / O标准值创建位流(不推荐),请使用set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]。问题端口:clk,din,dout。 AI检测代码解析 1. ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (UCIO-1) Unconstrained Logical Port - 3 out of 3 logical ports have no user assigned specific lo...
要允许使用未指定的I / O标准值创建位流(不推荐),请使用set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]。问题端口:clk,din,dout。 1. ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (UCIO-1) Unconstrained Logical Port - 3 out of 3 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint...
1.ERROR:[Drc23-20]Ruleviolation(NSTD-1)UnspecifiedI/OStandard-3outof3logical ports useI/Ostandard(IOSTANDARD)value'DEFAULT',-insteadofa user assigned specific value.This may causeI/Ocontention or incompatibilitywiththe board power or connectivity affecting performance,signal integrity orinextreme cases...
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1] 重命名为 name.tcl文件(确定后缀格式有效) 我用的是vivado2017.4 ,在generate bitstream 界面如下,右键进入setting 将新建的.tcl文件添加进来 再一次Generate bitstream ,大功告成! ——— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「Ocean...
Vivado 在产生 bitstream 时遇到 Vivado write_bitstream - ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1)… 问题 生成比特流时,会出现以下错误消息: 1. ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1) Unspecified I/O Standard - 3 out of 3 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAUL...
[DRC NSTD-1] Unspecified I/O Standard: 4 out of 134 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity...
[get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: led_alm, led_iso, led_agc, dn_pa_sw, ...
set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1] 如果错误消息与资源利用或时钟处理有关,请根据错误消息中的提示进行相应的调整。 重新尝试生成bitstream: 在解决了所有错误和警告之后,重新运行Vivado的Implementation和write bitstream步骤。 确保在重新生成bitstream之前,所有必要的更改都已正确应用并保存。
standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. ...