As noted, defining DIFF_TERM via the XDC file will ensure the implementation tools operate correctly and will over-ride any attribute set in the HDL. When internal differential termination is NOT desired use the following: set_property DIFF_TERM_ADV TERM_NONE [get_ports LVDS_P_PORTNAME] ...
set_propertyIOSTANDARDDIFF_SSTL15TDCI[get_ports{ddr3_dq[0]}]set_propertyPACKAGE_PINL13[get_ports{ddr3_dq[0]}; PackagePinandI/OPortProperties PackagePinPropertyPortProperty; DEMO; SomeTipsAboutVivadoDesignFlow LaurenGao; Agenda Tipsofuserdesignsourcefilesmanagement TipsofIPmanagement Tipshardwaremanageme...
In UltraScale and UltraScale+ designs generated with Vivado versions up to and including 2016.1, the DIFF_TERM attribute is not reported appropriately, nor is the attribute properly checked to ensure that a valid bank voltage is used when the attribute is defined in the HDL as TR...