create_project [-part <arg>] [-force] [-in_memory] [-ip] [-rtl_kernel] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<name>] [] 以上的指令在创建一个工程的时候,不一定全部都加上,可以根据自己需要做删减,比如我只想实现一个空的RTL工程的创建,类似一开始通过界面创建的工程,甚至器件也暂时不设置,指令则只需要:create...
create_project[-part<arg>][-force][-in_memory][-ip][-rtl_kernel][-quiet][-verbose][<name>][] 以上的指令在创建一个工程的时候,不一定全部都加上,可以根据自己需要做删减,比如我只想实现一个空的RTL工程的创建,类似一开始通过界面创建的工程,甚至器件也暂时不设置,指令则只需要:create_project+工程名...
打开已有工程,可以点击“Open Project”找到到工程目录下的xpr文件,或者点击右侧“Recent Project”下最近打开的项目。 创建新工程,点击“Create Project”, 弹出“New Project”界面,点击next。 3、设置工程名称和位置 Project name:工程名称。 Project location:工程保存在电脑的文件路径。 Create project subdirectory: ...
To solve the problem, in the Vivado tool you can manually make the read-only .XCI files writable again, however, this creates problems with the Version Control system. Another solution is to use the "create_project -in_memory" mode and "unlock" the XCI file: ...
create_new_proj.tcl 1if{[info exists ::create_path]} {2set dest_dir $::create_path3}else{4set dest_dir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]5}6puts"INFO: Creating new project in $dest_dir/proj"78cd $dest_dir9set proj_name [file tail $dest_dir]10cd $dest_dir/proj1112...
您好,很高兴为您解答,NGC文件也需要用read_edif命令一并读入in-memory的project中。e.g.Create an in memory project and set part create_project -in_memory -part xc7v2000t-1 Read the netlist from third-party synthesis tool read_edif top.edf Read in the IP NGCs read_edif [glob ...
Using Tcl Scripts to Create Projects and Block Designs Exporting a Block Design to a Tcl Script in the IDE Saving Vivado Project Information in a Tcl File Using IP Integrator in Non-Project Mode Creating a Flow in Non-Project Mode Non-Project Script ...
点击左侧导航栏【Flow Navigator】下的【Project Manager】->【AddSources】或Sources中的“+”或快捷键“ALT+A”,打开设计输入添加界面。 如果是添加RTL源代码文件,则选择“add or create design sources”。 如果是添加约束文件,则选择“add or create cconstraints”。
Please mark the post as an answer ("Accept as solution") in case it helped resolve your query...
1.File --> New project --> RTL project(Do not specify sources at this time) --> choose your xilinx device --> finish. 2.在Design sources 选择add Sources --> Add or creat design sources --> create file --> finish 3.此时会弹出Define Module --> 添加、设计你所需要的输入输出端口 -...