if (data_vld ='1') then write(lj,conv_integer(data_out)); writeline(data_text,lj); end if; endif; end; 读文件 file data_text : text is in “data_text.out” if endfile (data_text) = false then readline(data_text,lj); read(lj,data_temp); end if; Tips:...
RAM(conv_integer(ADDRA)) := DIA; end if; DOA <= RAM(conv_integer(ADDRA)); -- This breaks it!!! end if; end if; end process; process (CLKB) begin if CLKB'event and CLKB = '1' then if ENB = '1' then DOB <= RAM(conv_integer(ADDRB)); i...
IP2Bus_Data <= ram_clk_config(conv_integer(ram_addr)); when "100000" => IP2Bus_Data(30 to 31) <= program_status; IP2Bus_Data(0 to 29) <= (others => '0'); In the above code snippet 100000 is incorrect, 101000 should be used instead. ...
Overview of Arbitrary Precision Integer Data Types Vivado® HLS provides integer and fixed-point arbitrary precision data types for C, C++ and supports the arbitrary precision data types that are part of SystemC. Table 7: Arbitrary Precision Data Types Language C C++ C++ System C System C ...
case conv_integer(addr) is when option_1 => read_mux(0)(data1) <= input_data_1; read_mux(0)(data2) <= input_data_2; when option_2 => read_mux(0)(data3) <= input_data_3; ... ... read_mux_proc : process (rst, clk) begin if (rst = '0') then ack <= '0'; da...
next_buf(write_count_i_v+conv_integer(wclk_write_bit_number)-1 downto write_count_i_v) <= wclk_din(conv_integer(wclk_write_bit_number)-1 downto 0); Is this type of assignment supported by Vivado Synthesis? Solution This type of assignment is not supported. Please modify your code as...
write(lj,conv_integer(data_out)); writeline(data_text,lj); end if; endif; end; 读文件 file data_text : text is in “data_text.out” if endfile (data_text) = false then readline(data_text,lj); read(lj,data_temp); end if; ...