1if{[info exists ::create_path]} {2set dest_dir $::create_path3}else{4set dest_dir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]5}6puts"INFO: Creating new project in $dest_dir/proj"78cd $dest_dir9set proj_name [file tail $dest_dir]10cd $dest_dir/proj1112#set part"xc7z020clg...
请确保软件构建相匹配 请确保 device part/speed_grade/board name 相匹配 确保IP 设置与生成此 IP 时的 IP 缓存文件相匹配。鉴于有时参数传播可能导致覆盖用户 IP 上的部分参数,例如,从上游传播的时钟频率会被覆盖,因此应执行检查。 4. 确认设计并审查任何“Error”(错误)和“Critical Warning”(严重警告) 5....
返回到Board选项卡所在的同一个小窗口中的Sources选项卡,您会在顶部看到块设计文件。右键单击它并选择选项Create HDL Wrapper...这将创建将块设计实例化到项目中的顶级 Verilog 文件。 选择该选项以允许 Vivado 管理包装器并自动对其进行更新。 1 / 2 允许Vivado 生成 HDL 包装器并等待更新...文本从Sources选项卡...
[Board 49-4] Problem parsing board_part file - /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2014.2/data/boards/board_parts/zynq/zc706/1.0/board_part.xml,The board part 'xc7z045ffg900-2' is either not supported or invalid. What can cause this error? Solution One possible reason for this error is if you are runn...
70018 - 2017.4 Vivado - I am unable to change the board part of an existing project Description I have a project using Vivado 2017.3 or 2017.4 that targets a custom board part. I would like to target a new board_part but it does not appear in the board part options for the current pr...
<Option Name="BoardPart" Val=""/> <Option Name="ActiveSimSet" Val="sim_1"/> <Option Name="DefaultLib" Val="xil_defaultlib"/> <Option Name="EnableCoreContainer" Val="FALSE"/> <Option Name="XPMLibraries" Val="XPM_MEMORY"/>
set_property PFM_NAME {<< span="">vendor>:<< span="">board>:<< span="">name>:<< span="">revision>} [get_files [current_bd_design].bd] set_property PFM_NAME {xilinx:zcu104:zcu104_base:1.0} [get_files [current_bd_design].bd] ...
If you are still seeing the crash please post your log files (hs_pidxxxx.log and runme.log) and design details in theSynthesis board in the community. Crash in Timing Optimization: Vivado is a timing driven synthesis engine, so for all designs the tool will try to see if there are any...
create_project project_1 myproj -part xcvc1902-vsva2197-2MP-e-S-es1 set_property BOARD_PART xilinx.com:vck190_es:part0:1.0 [current_project] Vivado 2020.2默认支持器件vc1902、包含量产单板vck190的单板信息。因此需要把Vivado工程脚本里的器件和单板改为支持的型号。 修改后的器件和单板信息: 代码语言...
请确保 device part/speed_grade/board name 相匹配 确保IP 设置与生成此 IP 时的 IP 缓存文件相匹配。鉴于有时参数传播可能导致覆盖用户 IP 上的部分参数,例如,从上游传播的时钟频率会被覆盖,因此应执行检查。 4. 确认设计并审查任何“Error”(错误)和“Critical Warning”(严重警告) ...