这里我们从 IP 目录添加 AXI Interrupt Controller。用户可以使用 IP integrator 中的“运行自动连接 (Run Connection Automation)”功能来处理 AXI 连接。 使用100Mhz 时钟: 在AXI Interrupt Controller 中,将“中断输出连接 (Interrupt Output Connection)”设置为“单连接 (Single)”,并将其连接到 Zynq UltraScale ...
这里我们从 IP 目录添加 AXI Interrupt Controller。用户可以使用 IP integrator 中的“运行自动连接(Run Connection Automation)”功能来处理 AXI 连接。 使用100Mhz 时钟 在AXI Interrupt Controller 中,将“中断输出连接(Interrupt Output Connection)”设置为“单连接 (Single)”,并将其连接到 Zynq UltraScale IP ...
配置Concat核的输入为>=2),然后将Concat核的输出连接到AXI interrupt controller的intr[0:0]脚即可。
请问问题解决了吗,我也碰到这个问题,interrupt width不会自动改变
a device driver handler that will be called when an* interrupt for the device occurs, the device driver handler performs* the specific interrupt processing for the device*/Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController,XPAR_FABRIC_AXI_TIMER_0_INTERRUPT_INTR,(Xil_ExceptionHandler)XTmrCtr_InterruptHan...
AXI VIP当作master时如何使用? AXI接口虽然经常使用,很多同学可能并不清楚Vivado里面也集成了AXI的Verification IP,可以当做AXI的master、pass through和slave,本次内容我们看下AXI VIP当作master时如何使用。 2023-07-27 09:16:13 AXI VIP当作master时如何使用 AXI接口虽然经常使用,很多同学可能并不清楚...
Regarding the AXI Interrupt controller, can I just delete it or do I need to delete and connect the wires connecting to it to somewhere else? I'm able to run and compile your Vivado design and compile it in the SDK. But I'd like to understand the whole process myself so I can inco...
clock-names = "s_axi_aclk"; clocks = <&clkc 15>; compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a"; gpio-controller ; interrupt-controller ; interrupt-names = "ip2intc_irpt"; interrupt-parent = <&intc>; interrupts = <0 33 4>; reg = <0x41210000 0x10000>; xlnx,...
6. AXI Interrupt Controller (axi_intc_parent, axi_intc_cascaded_1) 7. AXI Verification IPs (dummy_slave_0, dummy_slave_1, dummy_slave_2, dummy_slave_3) 8. Concat (xlconcat_0) Right click to select `Create Hierarchy`:  Name the hierarchy...
AXI Interrupt Controller (4.1) * Version 4.1 (Rev. 16) * General: Avoid issues when regenerating the IP. AXI Lite IPIF (3.0) * Version 3.0 (Rev. 4) * No changes AXI Master Burst (2.0) * Version 2.0 (Rev. 7) * No changes ...