1. IP封装步骤: 创建IP工程:在VIVADO中选择“封装IP”功能,创建新的IP工程,并指定IP生成路径。 处理警告:对于不使用AXI总线的情况,RST_N警告可以忽略,或替换RST_N为resetn以消除警告。 时钟配置:双击时钟信号,进行ASSOCIATED_BUSIF设置,确保时钟正确关联。 端口配置:在Ports and Interfaces部分...
1. **warning处理**:对于不使用AXI总线的情况,RST_N警告通常可以忽略。若希望消除该警告,只需在顶层替换RST_N为resetn即可。2. **时钟配置**:双击时钟信号(例如CLK),进行ASSOCIATED_BUSIF设置,确保正确关联对应的时钟名字。3. **端口配置**:为实现动态调整端口数,通过调整Ports and Interfa...
com:ip:proc_sys_reset:5.0\ xilinx.com:ip:versal_cips:2.1\ " set ai_engine_0 [ create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:ai_engine:2.0 ai_engine_0 ] 关闭Vivado工程,再删除对应目录,重新执行“source system_step1.tcl”,可以成功创建工程。 注意事项 如果IP变化比较大,比如接口有变化,仅仅...
If the reset signal does not contain the required nomenclature, you can manually create the interface and set the properties accordingly. IMPORTANT: The IP Packager checks for the ASSOCIATED_BUSIF parameter for all clock interfaces. The reason for the warning is that the IP integrator tool works...
Should you have errors when you try to validate the design, verify the properties of ACLK. Make sure the ASSOCIATED_BUSIF and ASSOCIATED_RESET are set properly. For this design, the following Tcl commands will set these: set_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF M01_AXI [get_bd_ports ACLK] ...
In the Vivado Design Suite, the wizard only identifies flip-flop-based synchronizers for synchronous data and asynchronous reset. For an example of such synchronizers, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906). The following figure shows an example of ...
Should you have errors when you try to validate the design, verify the properties of ACLK. Make sure the ASSOCIATED_BUSIF and ASSOCIATED_RESET are set properly. For this design, the following Tcl commands will set these: set_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF M01_AXI [get_bd_ports ACLK] ...
Fabric Reset Enable 最多可以启用四个 PL 复位信号 (pl_resetn【0:3】),默认启用一个复位信号。PL 结构重置与 PS 到 PL 时钟 (pl_clk【0:3】) 异步。 共有四种 PS-PL 重置可用。这四个PL复位是用户可从 PS 配置向导(PS Configuration Wizard,PCW)中选择的,使用96个EMIO中的最后四个。根据他们从0-...
-- Associated FPGA interfaces and IP cores --> <interfaces> <!-- Zynq 7000 processing system --> <interface mode="master" name="ps7_fixedio" type="xilinx.com:display_processing_system7:fixedio_rtl:1.0" of_component="ps7_fixedio" preset_proc="ps7_preset"> <preferred_ips> <preferred...
My target is the Zybo-Z7-10. I have been away from embedded dev for some months. I also had a HDD crash so I'm working with a new drive. I was using Vivado2019.1 (and the associated Vitis) for a project. With that version of Vivado, I could go through th