端口的方向定义错误。比如在底层模块中定义a是input,但是顶层调用时给它接了b端口,定义是output。这样方向不匹配就会出现该问题。 某些IP可能就是会导致这样的问题[1]。 [Vivado 12-1815] setting property 'IOSTANDARD' is not allowed for GT terminals 此警告表示对不允许定义电平的管脚定义了电平。这种管脚往往...
【vivado】syntax error near non-printable character with the hex value"0xa3" 写作时间:2021-03-17 目录: 1.问题现象 2.解决方法 3.总结 正文: 1.问题现象: 报错,如下图: 这句英文的意思是:语法报错,使用了不合法的字符。= 并不是逻辑的问题,先放心,英文已经说的很明白了。 2.解决方... ...
If I change the variable to some constant value (numeric), then synthesis goes through fine. Solution The issue is that when a string is passed to generic, the constant string is not maintained as a variable. In the example above, the generic is passed to synthesis as XYZ = \"INV\"...
ERROR: [VRFC 10-2991] 'if_space' is not declared under prefix 'genloop' [...] 同样代码在Questasim/Modelsim中通过且行为正确。 以上设计代码在参数化设计中有使用,例如: 注意下面例子中不能使用genloop[i].param1,因为verilog中if语句会创建新的命名空间,这样使用会报错找不到param1;lacalparam换成param...
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-22] /home/jumper/FPGA_projects/HLS2018.2/xiangAn_wd/xfOpenCV/include/common/xf_structs.h:591: memory copy is not supported unless used on bus interface possible cause(s): non-static/non-constant local array with initialization). ...