set_property INIT 1 [get_cells a_reg] 另请参阅(答复记录 58260)。 URL 名称 56169 文章编号 000016208 Publication Date Loading Files(0) No records found. 关注正在关注 69583 - Vivado 约束 - create_clock/create_generated_clock 主答复记录 ...
set_property INIT 1 [get_cells a_inst/a_reg] 正确的约束应如下所示: set_property INIT 1 [get_cells a_reg] 另请参阅(答复记录 58260)。 ISE Design SuiteKnowledge BaseVivadoTiming And Constraints Files(0) No records found. 本篇文章对您是否有用?
55292 - 2013.1 Vivado Serial Analyzer - "set_property" commands each require a "commit" when writing commands to the Tcl console Description Calling multiple "set_property" commands followed by a single "commit" in the Tcl console might not properly write the desired properties to hardware. Inst...
在Vivado设计环境中,遇到错误代码[vivado 12-1411] cannot set loc property of ports, the positive port (p-side)通常与试图为FPGA设计中的某些端口(特别是差分对端口的一部分)设置物理位置(loc属性)时出现的问题相关。以下是对这一问题的详细分析和建议解决方案: 1. 理解错误代码[vivado 12-1411]的含义 该错...
56169 - Vivado Constraints - CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object Description How can Warnings and Critical Warnings like the following be resolved? WARNING: [Vivado 12-180] No cells matched ' '. [<XDC_file_path_and_name>.xdc:<line_number>] WARNI...
Although it will work, the use of the set_property command as shown above to unset or clear the property from the selected cells will be slow and Vivado might take a long time to unset the cell property. This will be especially true for larger number of cells (Notice the * wildcard ch...
70722 - 2018.2 Vivado IP Flows - "CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object" for an unused core in custom IP Description I have a packaged user IP that consist of two or more different Xilinx IPs. ...
65248 - 2015.2 Vivado - incorrect argument "-dict" for "set_property" at line 1 of file *.xdc. Description When I use the "-dict" option with "set_property" in the XDC file, I receive the following message during Synthesis in Vivado 2015.2: Start Applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints...
Yes, the first and last are duplicates, but it is telling me I can override the board assignments, but it was all generated by Vivado. I placed a Micro Blaze in the design then went to the board dropdown and added almost all the stuff on the board, running the helper after each. Va...
62465 - Vivado Constraints - "set_property -dict" constraints get expanded when saving constraints Description Vivado always expands the dictionary mappings with set_property (set_property -dict) when saving constraints. For example, when this constraint is added to the design in the tcl console: ...