# read all design files and constraints source sources.tcl source constraints.tcl # Synthesize Design eval "synth_design $DEFINES $SYNTH_ARGS -top $TOP_MODULE -part $PART_NM" report_timing_summary -file $PROJ_DIR/${PROJ_NM}_post_synth_tim.rpt report_utilization -file $PROJ_DIR/${PROJ_N...
2) Explicitly declare the input port as a wire. For example: `default_nettype none module my_module ( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire data_in, output reg data_out ); VivadoVivado Design SuiteSynthesisKnowledge Base Files(0) ...
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module ''design_1' [/proj/hdl/rtl/'design_1_top.vhd:113] Solution This issue is due to a difference between Project and Non-project mode and how HLS based IP are handled. The generate_target command will usually take care of creating all of th...
Ensure that there is no Out-Of-Context IP in the project before you package it. Attributes Box Type in the RTL code. Box Type settings will prevent Vivado from synthesizing the module in a packaged IP as the top level design will consider it as a black box. ...
Files(0) Download No records found. FollowRelated Articles 70400 - Vivado IP Flows - Synthesizing a Block design in non-project mode fails with ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module '<hls IP … Number of Views7.78K 63564 - Vivado IP Flows - In non-project mode my VHDL IP core is being ...
In the below example, memory has been declared as 8-bit wide but has used non-zero for both LSB and MSB i.e. [15:8] module test (DO, ADDR, DI, CLK, WE); output reg [7:0] DO; input CLK; input [1:0] WE; input [9:0] ADDR; ...
Until Synthesis processes, the netlist would not be read and the module would be populated as a Black-Box. VivadoDesign Entry & Vivado-IP FlowsVivado Design SuiteArtix 7Kintex 7Virtex 7Knowledge Base Loading Files(0) No records found.
2) Explicitly declare the input port as a wire. For example: `default_nettype none module my_module ( input wire clk, input wire reset, input wire data_in, output reg data_out ); VivadoVivado Design SuiteSynthesisKnowledge Base Files(0) ...