I cannot speak for the desktop version of the game, but the demo of the VR version of Viva Project that I have played is showing a great deal of promise. This is the kind of game that is just so much fun to play with. As you boss her around, play with her, and get more attach...
Viva Project中文版是一款超级真实的VR游戏,让你能够真的拥有可爱的女朋友小忍,在这里进行养成活动,跟小忍一起探索,培养深厚的感情,跟她一起玩耍,去不同的地图约会,购买礼物哄对方开心,都能增加你们的好感度,解锁更多亲密的动作,玩法比较的自由,每个小忍都是你的独一无二的女友。 Viva Project中文版特色 1、跟可...
“太牛了,居然可以真的用手在脸前挥舞擦掉游戏中眼前的血!”一位玩家在体验过VR版《除夕:双鱼玉佩》后,对其宛如亲历的真实感与交互性发出了由衷感叹。 不止《除夕:双鱼玉佩》,随着虚拟现实技术、游戏制作技术的不断提升,让玩家能够完全代入角色、沉浸式享受剧情的VR游戏也越来越多,例如《半条命》、《无人深空》...
Recontinuation of viva project vr. Contribute to MrM0derArchive/OpenViva development by creating an account on GitHub.
Recontinuation of viva project vr. Contribute to MrM0derArchive/OpenViva development by creating an account on GitHub.
Viva Project Poison Pill Google Play Store Kostenlos Spiele > Rollenspiele Viva mobile is a non-VR compatible game where you can interact with your very own AI anime character! It is an advanced AI simulation that can interactMehr anzeigen ...