Multi-territory Asian streaming platform Viu is to deliver a Thai version of hit drama series “Reborn Rich.” The 16-episode Korean drama was produced by Korea’s JTBC Studios and Viu, aired on JTBC in Korea between November and December 2022 and was branded as a Viu Original in the 16...
‘Reborn Rich,’ Hit Korea Drama Series, Set for Thai Remake at Viu TV 2 years ‘We 12’ Mirror Boy Band Movie Among Projects as Viu and Makerville Expand Production, Live Events Activities TV 2 years Asian Streamer Viu Approaches Profitability, Divulges Subscriber and Revenue Data ...
◎英文名稱:Reborn Rich ◎年 代:2022 ◎地 區:韓國 ◎語 言:粵語 ◎字 幕:中字...