If you use "Accelerated Flow Application Development Using the Vitis Software Platform", enable "extensible Vitis platform" when you create the platform. If you want to create the same design as before, not the Platform, you do not need to enable the "extensible Vitis platform". For "Accelera...
但PDI 编程失败,出现以下错误: xsdb% device program "test/_ide/bootimage/resources/vck190.pdi" aborting, 1 pending requests... PLM stalled during programming 解决方案 有两种方法可以解决该问题。 选项1: 退出VITIS IDE。 关闭电源,然后打开 VCK190 板上的电源。 下载附件中的 vck190.xsa 文件,并将安...
err=-2 [XRT] ERROR: failed to load xclbin: Invalid argument Failed to program device[1] with xclbin file! Trying to program device[2]: xilinx_u250_gen3x16_base_3 [XRT] ERROR: See dmesg log for details. err=-2 [XRT] ERROR: failed to load xclbin: Invalid argument Failed to program...
obj/test_evd_plus.o: In function `cl::Program::Program(cl::Context const&, std::vector<cl::Device, std::allocator<cl::Device> > const&, std::vector<std::pair<void const*, unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<void const*, unsigned long> > > const&, std::vector<int, std:...
device= --enable-peano-flow=false --Xelfgen=-j 8 --disable-multirate-analysis=false --fastmath=false --cpp-std=-std=c++17 --max-layer-ctrl-param-size=256 --enable-mapper-hints-constraints=false --multi-layer-auto-phase=false --event-trace-advanced-mapping=0 --multi-layer-plc-...
Direct Register模式提供了一种配置,用于在MM2S和S2MM通道上执行简单的DMA传输,这需要更少的FPGA资源。SimpleDMA允许应用程序在DMA和Device之间定义单个事务。它有两个通道:一个从DMA到Device,另一个从Device到DMA。应用程序必须设置缓冲区地址和长度字段以启动相应通道中的传输。...
有关HDMI的详细介绍,请参见“HDMI彩条显示”实验。 实验任务 本节实验任务是使用MPSOC开发板及双目OV5640摄像头(实际只用到了其中一路)实现图像采集,并通过带有HDMI接口的显示器实时显示。 硬件设计 开发板扩展接口原理图及OV5640模块说明与“OV5640摄像头LCD显示实验”完全相同,请参考“OV5640摄像头...
Change the French to English if you like; You could change the name to something specific as shown. On my system the Ultra96-v2 connects as ttyUSB2 but you should use the device name appropriate to your system:ls /dev/ttyUSB*.
Failed to initialize SPI flash at 0:0 (error -2) Zynq> ERROR: [Xicom 50-186] Error while detecting SPI flash device - unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 40, db, ff Problem in running uboot Flash programming initialization failed. ERROR: Flash Operation FailedBoot...
[UNILOG][INFO] Total device subgraph number 3, DPU subgraph number 1 [UNILOG][INFO] Compile done. [UNILOG][INFO] The meta json is saved to "/workspace/model_test/./cf_resnet50_imagenet_224_224_7.7G_1.3/vai_c_output_ZCU102/meta.json" ...