Multiple consecutive UART ports will be enumerated (ie COM13,14,15,16). Connect the serial terminal application of choice to the lowest of the consecutive ports (ie 13), using the parameters listed below. Baud Rate: 115200 Data Bit: 8 Stop Bit: 1 No Parity The IP address for the target...
First, many applications require that a serial console is connected to the board, so that standard output (from print statements) can be viewed. For this purpose, a serial terminal should be used. Use a serial terminal application to connect to the board's serial port. Unless otherwise stated...
Set up your terminal program TeraTerm HERE and connect to each of the terminal ports using the following connection settings. baud rate: 115200 bps data bit: 8 stop bit: 1 no parity If you see the ZCU104 boot information, you have located the correct serial port. Ensure your host comp...
4.6 Connect the "locked" output of the Clock Wizard to the `dcm_locked` port of the processor reset blocks. 4.7 确保每个‘proc_sys_reset` 模块的`ext_reset_in` 与`pl_resetn0` 连接。 4.8 In the Platform Interfaces tab, enable `clk_out3` and `clk_out4` of the `clk_wiz_0` instanc...
4.5 Connect the `ext_reset_in`(proc_sys_rest IP的接口) to `pl_resetn0` on the MPSoC block. 4.6 Connect the "locked" output of the Clock Wizard to the `dcm_locked` port of the processor reset blocks. 4.7 确保每个‘proc_sys_reset` 模块的`ext_reset_in` 与`pl_resetn0` 连接。
DMA是用硬件实现存储器与存储器之间或存储器与I/O设备之间直接进行高速数据传输。使用DMA时,CPU向DMA控制器发出一个存储传输请求,这样当DMA控制器在传输的时候,CPU执行其它操作,传输操作完成时DMA以中断的方式通知CPU。 为了发起传输事务,DMA控制器必须得到以下数据: ...
To connect to the echo server, use the telnet utility program. Type the following telnet command as shown below and hit the return key. telnet 7 If the echo server works properly, any data sent to the board is echoed in response. Type a few characters and see them echoed ...
requiring an intricate understanding of the interaction between hardware and software, but the benefit can be a significant improvement in performance and throughput. After working through the initial phase of this project, it is clear that the Vitis software platform is the tool to conquer these ...
You can connect a serial terminal @ 115200 BAUD (N 8 1) to the USB UART port on the Zedboard to see various status and debug messages during boot and operation. NOTE: If you need to edit the fabric/Zynq configuration or add to the project, I have also included the Vivado project here...