vite开发环境正常,打包正式环境报错concat is not a function,求大佬帮忙看看 刚开始打包就报错,后来配置了@rollup/plugin-commonjs打包成功 然后打包后的文件打开就报错,弄一上午了,开发环境都正常 从描述中推测,是用到了某个不支持 CommonJS 或者不支持 ESM 的库,因为开发环境都是 ESM,所以没问题;但是构建后就...
Make sure this is a Vite issue and not a framework-specific issue. For example, if it's a Vue SFC related bug, it should likely be reported tovuejs/coreinstead. Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open aGitHub Discussionor join ourDiscord Chat Server. The provided reproduction ...
vite开发环境正常,打包正式环境报错concat is not a function,求大佬帮忙看看 刚开始打包就报错,后来配置了@rollup/plugin-commonjs打包成功 然后打包后的文件打开就报错,弄一上午了,开发环境都正常