当地价约合人民币:¥13.90 评分:10/9.8 国家: 美国 分类: 香薰精油 推荐语:BotanicalName:VitexAgnus-Castus.Alsoknownas:AgnusCastus,ChasteTree,ChasteBerry,Monk’sPepperCountry VitexWildCrafted(ChasteTreeBerry)EssentialOil(VitexAgnus-Castus) BotanicalName:VitexAgnus-Castus.Alsoknownas:AgnusCastus,ChasteTree,...
The berry essential oil of the present samples was characterized by a large content of sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and other unknown high-molecular-weight compounds (62.1%) compared to the leaf oil (15.3%) and to the literature data regarding the Dalmatian and African types....
Both oils were found to be effective, although the leaf essential oil appears to have a broader range of actions as it also addresses psychological aspects. As the berry is currently thought to be the active part of the plant, this begs the question of whether the leaf of the plant should...
Vitex Essential Oil Organic OG Organic $25.00 - $711.00 Out Of Stock Out Of Stock Vitex Berry Powder Organic OG K Organic Kosher $4.75 - $14.00 + Quick Add Seed Stewardship Project Gentian Seeds $0.00 + Quick Add Seed Stewardship Project Echinacea Seeds ...
Parts used: berry, flowering tops Galenic: MT, FE, MS, bulk herb Summary: diminishes peripheral and central gonadotropic activity but favors catabolic thyroid activity to support peripheral gonadotropic factors. Actions: Neuro: sedative, dopamine agonist (inhibiting prolactin)17, 18. ANS: α-sympath...
Vitex agnuscastus is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years in Europe for female reproductive system disorders, is well-tolerated, and has established efficacy in helping with some symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. The...
Vitex Essential Oil Organic OG Organic $25.00 - $711.00 Out Of Stock Vitex Berry Powder Organic OG K Organic Kosher $4.75 - $14.00 Cilantro Extract Organic OG K Organic Kosher $12.75 - $152.00 Cayenne Extract Organic OG K Organic Kosher $12.75 - $152.00 Newsletter...
is the minimum requirement for the label 'traditional use' according to the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia) such as Dioscorea villosa (wild yam), Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh), Helonias dioica/ Chamaelirium luteum (false unicorn root) and Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree/berry)...
The species name Agnus castus originates from the Greek agnos castus, meaning chaste, as the Greeks thought the plant calmed sexual passion. Its common name of caste berry and monks pepper also gives some indication of its historical usage.
Vitex Fruit聖潔莓 Nature's Way 400mg x 100粒 價格: HK$95.- 美國制造 (凡購買滿任何產品共3瓶享有95折,任何產品共10瓶享有9折優惠) 產品簡介: - 女士常用作飲食以外營養補充 - 達至認證的質量標準 建議服用量: 每日1-3次,每次1粒 (8至12週內); ...