Error:Cannotfindmodule'.../node_modules/@fullcalendar/vue3/dist/FullCalendar'importedfrom'.../node_modules/@fullcalendar/vue3/dist/index.js' Attached test case demos this if you runyarn test. Maybe it's the same issue I was having with the new FullCalendar 6.x version. ...
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Failed Suites 1 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ FAIL test/basic.spec.ts [ test/basic.spec.ts ] Error: Cannot find module 'preversion' imported from '/home/runner/work/preversion/preversion/test/basic.spec.ts'. - If you rely on tsconfig.json's "paths" to resolve m...
There is a dependency that the LabVIEW Run-Time engine cannot find. Ensure that all dependencies for any VIs can be found by the engine by trying these different steps: Put all of your VIs and subVIs within one directory, if possible. If the directory for the VI or its subVIs is ...
// 组件importdemofrom'@/assets/demo.svg';// 继承了vite的alias配置importstylesfrom'./Test.module.scss';// 使用模块化样式import{CheckOutline}from'antd-mobile-icons';// 使用antd-mobile-iconsimport{Loading}from'antd-mobile/es';// 使用antd-mobileimport'./Demo.scss';// 使用scss -> npm i s...
这些选项支持在 node_modules 中编写的包名称或在 deps.moduleDirectories 中指定的包名称。例如,位于 packages/some-name 内的包@company/some-name 应指定为 some-name,并且 packages 应包含在 deps.moduleDirectories 中。基本上,Vitest 总是检查文件路径,而不是实际的包名称。
spec.js ] Error: Error: Cannot find module @testing-library/svelte/node_modules/@testing-library/dom imported from file:///home/rob/programming/workspace/js/svelte/svelte-todo-with-tests-(vitest), file:///home/rob/programming/workspace/js/svelte/svelte-todo-with-tests-(vitest)/node_modules...
// wait before throwing an error if it cannot find an element const heading = await screen.findByRole('heading') // assert that the alert message is correct expect(heading).toHaveTextContent('hello there') expect(screen.getByRole('button')).toBeDisabled() }) ``` ```tsx [preact] /...
Cannot find test file:///e%3A/repos/project/test/code.test.ts/function01 given no parameters should be defined@2Cannot find test file:///e%3A/repos/project/test/code.test.ts/function01 given no parameters should instantiate@3Cannot find test file:///e%3A/repos/project/test/code.test....
\//.test(id)) + return false; id = id.replace("file:///", ""); const package_ = await findNearestPackageData(dirname(id)); if (package_.type === "module") return true; - if (/\.(\w+-)?esm?(-\w+)?\.js$|\/(esm?)\//.test(id)) - return false; const code = ...
Describe the bug For this code: try { await import('no-such-package'); } catch (e) { console.log('code:', e.code); console.log('message:', e.message); } On Node ❯ node src/repro.js code: ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND message: Cannot find package ...