This is called a stub, and to use a stub in our tests, we’ll need access to the mount method from Vue Test Utils, the official testing utility library for Vue.js.Let’s install Vue Test Utils now.Installationnpm install --save-dev @vue/test-utils@next # or yarn add --dev @vue...
We use ES Module import syntax (i.e.import { foo } from 'bar') in most places in Forge's code. The TypeScript compiler will translate this intorequirecalls under the hood because we output CommonJS in the build process. This is howproxyquireis still able to work despite us not usingr...
How to use Vitest to test components Install Vitest UsingVitestin a project requiresVite >=v2.7.10andNode >=v14to work. You can usenpm,yarnorpnpmto install Vitest, depending on your preference, run the following command in the terminal: npm npm install -D vitest YARN yarn add -D vi...
Therefore make sure you have the coffeescript package installed locally as described in Install the CoffeeScript compiler. Use --inspect or --inspect-brk parameter when you are using Node.js v7 for Chrome Debugging Protocol support. Otherwise, by default the debug process will use V8 Debugging...
npm install @vitest/eslint-plugin --save-dev Usage Make sure you're running ESLintv9.0.0or higher for the latest version of this plugin to work. The following example is how youreslint.config.jsshould be setup for this plugin to work for you. ...
Finally, to install Vitest, run: Copy npminstall-Dvitest Alternative for non-Vite powered projects It is just as easy to setup Vitest in a non-Vite powered projects. Say we have aCRAproject and want to use Vitest for testing. All we need to do is to run: ...
npm install--save-dev@vue/test-utils We should be able to mock the DOM API in our component testing. Vitest currently supports bothhappy-domandjsdom. In this tutorial, we’ll make use ofhappy-dom. Run the command below to installhappy-dom: ...
Both Yarn and pnpm support aliasing via the npm: prefix. :::globalsType: boolean Default: false CLI: --globals, --globals=falseBy default, vitest does not provide global APIs for explicitness. If you prefer to use the APIs globally like Jest, you can pass the --globals option to CLI ...
This demo shows how to useVitestfor testing a yFiles for HTML web application. For interaction with the web browser it usesPlaywright. To run the test: Go to the demo's directorydemos-ts/testing/vitest. Runnpm install. Run the test withnpm run test. ...
Use the recentvitestversion and install thevite-plugin-commonjsplugin; Updatedevextremeanddevextreme-vueto 23.1; Define mocks to replace methods that require element data. Show code The first method fixes an error related to theming. The second and third methods are...