Control where the JSX factory is imported from. Default to'react' react({jsxImportSource:'@emotion/react'}) jsxRuntime By default, the plugin uses theautomatic JSX runtime. However, if you encounter any issues, you may opt out using thejsxRuntimeoption. ...
react({plugins:[["@swc/plugin-styled-components",{}]]}); devTarget Set the target for SWC in dev. This can avoid to down-transpile private class method for example. For production target, see ...
1、初始化 Vite + React 项目 直接用官方提供的模板,一键生成项目:项目命名为 kaimo-cost-h5 # npm 6.x npm 1. 2. 然后进入项目安装依赖,就可以启动服务了 cdkaimo-cost-h5 npminstall npm 1. 2. 3. 2、添加 react-router-dom 路由 安装依赖 执行下面命令安装依赖 npm 1. 添加页面组...
import{ defineConfig }from"vite";importreactfrom"@vitejs/plugin-react-swc";exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins: [react()], }); This new release also include a runtime check for React refresh boundaries. When the conditions are not met (most of the time, exporting React components alongside fu... as framework. You can run this demo in [StackBlitz]( vite-plugin-react-pages/tree/main/packages/create-project/template-app? terminal=dev), entirely in your browser! # How to use `npm in...
vite 使用 @vitejs/plugin-react 插件并且使用 RouterProvider 方式渲染路由遇到的问题(都在 build 后出现,dev 中正常): 使用 AliveScope 包裹 RouterProvider 会造成渲染 outlet 内容时抛出以下错误(build 后渲染异常图),开启 sourceMap 查看到是 useNavigate 抛出
npm install npm run devand play with the local dev environment. npm run build. npm run ssr. You candisable javascript in your browser, to verify if it can still render. Read the documentation Readthe documentation of vite-plugin-react-pages....
import vitejspluginReact from'' Learn more ReadmeFilesStatisticsBrowse CDN Statistics Requests1 545 Bandwidth1 828 kB Top version - 4.3.41 178 @vitejs/plugin-react All files /...
原因是没有在App.js中引入React,咱们引入一下 importReact,{ useState }from'react' 大功告成 总结 两种处理方案 文件后缀 js => jsx 修改依赖预构建配置,再添加babel插件@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx 第二种方法会一定程度影响项目的启动速度。读者可以根据实际项目情况pick方案 ...
plugin-react-refresh:ensure decorators before export, fix#2776(#2855) (16412e3) react-refresh:check FunctionDeclaration nodes properly (#2903) (2ee017c) 1.3.2(2021-03-31) Bug Fixes ignore babelrc (#2766) (23c4114), closes#2722