VITE_PUBLIC_PATH = / VITE_PUBLIC_PATH = ./ # 线上环境路由历史模式(Hash模式传"hash"、HTML5模式传"h5"、Hash模式带base参数传"hash,base参数"、HTML5模式带base参数传"h5,base参数") VITE_ROUTER_HISTORY = "hash" 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 .env.staging Original file line num...
现象当配置 vite.config.ts 的 base 参数值设置成一个以斜杠结尾的域名结尾时,正则出现错误的结果。 export default defineConfig({ plugins: [vue()], base: '', }) 错误结果: https:// -> https:/
1.其它文件保持不变,直接修改.env.development文件下的VITE_PUBLIC_PATH = /abc/ 2.浏览器访问 http://localhost/abc/ 预期结果 未登录情况下理应跳转到登录界面 实际结果 截图或视频 版本 master (默认) 鱼颈 创建了任务 10个月前 鱼颈 添加了 bug 标签 10个月前 鱼颈 修改了描述 10个月前 鱼颈 ...
Vite's equivalent of __webpack_public_path__ in Webpack. Works for index.html and modern/legacy build.You may need it if you want to load your resources from a CDN / multiple CDNs.Installationyarn add -D vite-plugin-public-path
base: process.env.NODE_ENV ==="production"?"/__vite_base__/":"/", plugins: [// ...] }); HTML Substitution To make sure the initial scripts and assets in the HTML file load from your dynamic public path, we transformandtags inindex.htmlto a piece of inline JS code, which creat...
fix: 修复打包路径VITE_PUBLIC_PATH配置为url时,主题路径不完整 (#3) Browse files main (#3) v3.2.0 v3.1.0 Keystion authored Jun 15, 2023 Verified 1 parent e6ac649 commit 4698dc9 Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 ...
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions 6 vite.config.ts Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; // export default defineConfig({ base: '/three-js-trail/', }); 0 comments on com...
"vite-plugin-ejs": "^1.4.3", "vite-plugin-html-minifier-terser": "^2.0.0", "vite-plugin-prismjs": "^0.0.8", "vite-plugin-public-path": "^0.0.3", "wastyle": "^0.0.5", "web-streams-polyfill": "^3.2.0", "xss": "^1.0.10" 60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions 60 ...
Clear and concise description of the problem Sometimes we might run a built Vite site in a number of different locations. It would be convenient to have vite support for setting the public base path dynamically rather than just at build ...
copy over certain files to the client's root directory, but also to copy certain files to the server's root directory. Currently however there is no way to tell Vite to use a different 'public' directory for each build. Judging by the source code, the "public" path seems to be ...