MineAdmin Vue 是一个开源免费专门适配于 MineAdmin 后台权限管理系统的前端中后台模板,使用了 vue3, vite5, pinia, arco design, javascript 等主流开发技术,未使用Typescript,我们选择了简单。 - 新增VITE_APP_BASE环境变量,用于配置多层级目录访问 · github123-debu
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change Expand Up@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ VITE_NODE_ENV = production VITE_APP_TITLE=美乐低代码 #接口转发 VITE_APP_BASE_API='/' VITE_APP_BASE_API='' #接口地址 VITE_API_SERVER=""
from 'vite-micro/client' const mainRoute = [ { path: '/home', component: () => import('../../views/Home.vue'), }, { path: '/user', component: () => entryImportVue('remote_app/entry'), }, { path: '/button', component: () => remoteImport('remote_app/Button'), }, ...
from 'vite-micro/client' const mainRoute = [ { path: '/home', component: () => import('../../views/Home.vue'), }, { path: '/user', component: () => entryImportVue('remote_app/entry'), }, { path: '/button', component: () => remoteImport('remote_app/Button'), }, ...
基于Vite 和 Vue3 配置的基础开发模板. Contribute to wungjyan/vite-vue3-base-template development by creating an account on GitHub.
This app is built with Rails 7, Ruby 3, Vite, Vue 3 and typescript. and is using Docker for building production images You could use this example app as a base for your upcoming projects. Or, you could use it as a tutorial that tells you which steps you need to take to create a...
create-zhbase 是一个用于快速创建 unibest 项目的轻量脚手架工具,它可以帮助你快速创建一个基于 vite + vue3 + TS 的uni-app 项目,同时提供了一些模板供你选择。 🚤 快速使用 pnpm create zhbase <项目名称> # 默认用 base 模板 pnpm create zhbase <项目名称> -t <模板名> create zhbase 支持-t 参...
This app is built with Rails 7, Ruby 3, Vite, Vue 3 and typescript. and is using Docker for building production images You could use this example app as a base for your upcoming projects. Or, you could use it as a tutorial that tells you which steps you need to take to create a...
app: any = null export async function mount(name: string, base: string) { app = createApp(App) // Other configurations... app.mount(name) console.log('start mount!!!', name) return app } export function unMount() { console.log('start unmount --->') app && app.$destroy() } Af...