Vite plugin for Vue that maps your page routes to the file system with easy over ride feature and layout configuration. - vuelify/vite-plugin-pages
vite-plugin-pages 是Vite 插件,仅限vite使用。 unplugin-vue-router 是Vue Router 插件,不仅限于 Vite 使用。 0 前端高级工程师(大前端) 全新打造“技术成长与职业破局”双高体系,深度打通“全栈 + 全流程 +多端+ 提效+AI赋能” 303 学习 · 390 问题 查看课程 相似问题unplugin-vue-router如何在同级展...
最近發現 vite 編譯之後部署到 GitHub Pages 會突然無法正常運作的問題發生,然後發現是_plugin-vue_export-helper在搞鬼,所以這一篇記錄一下。 事發原因 當部署到 vite 執行npm run build之後接著部署到 GitHub Pages 卻會一直出現 TypeError: error loading dynamically imported module 來源為「/assets/_plugin-vue_...
use vite-plugin-pages in react project npm run build ("build": "tsc && vite build --mode production") node_modules/vite-plugin-pages/client.d.ts:3:34 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'vue-router' or its corresponding type declarations...
⛺️ Lightweight version of Vitesse. Contribute to antfu-collective/vitesse-lite development by creating an account on GitHub.
I have been looking to add a very small number (2-3) of pages to a Nuxt 3 project using Markdown. Since I'll only using Markdown for a few pages in the project and don't need additional features like querying, I thought I'd try usingvite-plugin-vue-markdowninstead of the heavier...
pages/ index.h5.vue index.vue blog/ 在此例子中,进入首页 H5 平台为 index.h5.vue,小程序为。uniapp 中路由跳转为文件名 name.[platform].vue,vite 插件需要将 vue 文件重命名(index.h5.vue -> index.vue),但 uniapp 应该会编译所有...