Usingvite-plugin-tailwind-purgecsswithSkeleton, we're able to reduce the CSS bundle size of Skeleton'sBarebones Templatefrom: 105.62 kB │ gzip: 14.36 kB down to: 16.33 kB │ gzip: 4.08 kB Usage Installation npm add -D vite-plugin-tailwind-purgecss ...
/// <reference types="vite-plugin-tailwind-theme/client" /> Bundle size Use the lowest level import possible to reduce bundle size. The tailwind configuration can be large, with all the colors, etc. So we don't recommend using the main import with all modulesimport * as theme from 'virt...
Legacy mode can be enabled through the following plugin config option:// vite.config.ts import { purgeCss } from 'vite-plugin-tailwind-purgecss'; const config: UserConfig = { plugins: [purgeCss({ legacy: true })], };SafelistingIf selectors that shouldn't be purged are being removed, ...
Add to Vite // vite.config.tsimport{purgeCss}from'vite-plugin-tailwind-purgecss';constconfig:UserConfig={plugins:[sveltekit(),purgeCss()],}; ...and you're all set! FAQ Why not usepostcss-purgecssorrollup-plugin-purgecss? PurgeCSS provides a suite of plugins that do a well enough job for...
支持在 uni-app 中使用 tailwindcss@3 原有语法开发小程序 Version0.7.2LicenseMIT INSTALL Version: Static Open in jsfiddle Learn more Statistics Requests0 Bandwidth0 Top version -0 vite-plugin-uni-app-tailwind Files are loading... Selected files ...
我自己还没有尝试过,但是阅读Tailwind CSS v3.2的发行说明,使用@config <filename>将其拆分为两个...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vite-plugin-uni-app-tailwind. 支持在 uni-app 中使用 tailwindcss@3 原有语法开发小程序
vite.config.js import{defineConfig}from'vite';importtpTailwindCssfrom'@themeplate/vite-plugin-tailwindcss';exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins:[tpTailwindCss(/* MODE */),],}); Sample See/testsfolder forcustomandfullmode Readme Keywords vite ...
Install the plugin: Run one of the following commands in your project directory: # npm npm install vite-plugin-modular-tailwindcss --save-dev # yarn yarn add vite-plugin-modular-tailwindcss --dev # pnpm pnpm add vite-plugin-modular-tailwindcss --save-dev Add the plugin to your vite.confi...
0.0.1•Public• Published5 months ago Dependents (0) npm ivite-plugin-uni-tailwind-no-pnpm Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads