使用SSR的方式就是把应用生成完整的10个独立页面,只是需要在服务端运行node程序实时生成html,比较耗费资源。 另一种方式是在build的时候直接生成10个html,使用nginx部署在服务器上,就可以获取页面完整内容,更利于SEO,这就是SSG。 使用vite-plugin-ssr实现SSR 我的网站是基于vue3开发,调研之后,决定使用vite-plugin-ssr...
All render modes:SSR,SPA,MPA,SSG,HTML-only. Each page can use a different mode. 🌍Deploy anywhere Deploy anywhere(Vercel Serverless/Edge/ISR, Cloudflare Workers, AWS EC2/Lambda, Netlify Functions/Edge, Firebase, Google Cloud, ...).
OverviewIntroductionNext.js ComparisonVue TourReact Tour 🌱 Get StartedScaffold new appAdd to existing app 📚 GuidesBasicsRoutingData FetchingPre-rendering (SSG)Access pageContext anywhereCommon IssuesMore meta tagsAuthenticationLayoutsStatic Directory (public/)SPA, SSR, SSG, HTML-onlyEnvironment Variables...
uni-webview-js在vite的SSR(或SSG)下的使用解决方案。由于uni-webview-js是基于window对象的,所以在SSR下无法使用,本插件提供了一个uni方法,该方法会在SSR下返回一个空对象,以避免报错。 安装 npm i vite-plugin-uniwebviewjs-ssr yarn add vite-plugin-uniwebviewjs-ssr ...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vite-plugin-uniwebviewjs-ssr. uni-webview-js在vite的SSR(或SSG)下的使用解决方案
{ vite:config entry: '/home/runner/React-styled-components-SSG/pages/index.page.tsx', vite:config name: 'StyledComponentsSSG' vite:config }, vite:config ssr: false, vite:config ssrManifest: false, vite:config reportCompressedSize: true, vite:config chunkSizeWarningLimit: 500, vite:config ...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vite-plugin-uniwebviewjs-ssr. uni-webview-js在vite的SSR(或SSG)下的使用解决方案
You can render a component only on the client-side by wrapping it with a<ClientOnly>component. <ClientOnly><SomeComponent/></ClientOnly> Alternatively, you can disable SSR and render the page as SPA instead (while rendering other pages with SSR). SeeGuides>Render Modes (SPA, SSR, SSG, ...
env.VITE_SSG === "true" || config.env.VITE_SSG === true) { isSSR = true; } if (config.env.VITE_SSR === "true" || config.env.VITE_SSR === true) { isSSR = true; } } }; } const uni = { getEnv: (c) => { if (!isSSR) { return import('@dcloudio/uni-w...