vite-plugin-obfuscator 是一款为 Vite 设计的插件,它使用 javascript-obfuscator 库来实现 JavaScript 代码的混淆。在构建过程中,该插件能够自动混淆代码,从而增加逆向工程的难度,提高源代码的安全性。 主要参数及其定义 vite-plugin-obfuscator 插件的主要参数包括 include、exclude、options、apply 和debugger 等。下面是...
import obfuscator from 'vite-plugin-js-obfuscator' export default { plugins: [ obfuscator({ include: [], exclude: ['**/static/chunk/_*'], debugger: true, options: { compact: true, controlFlowFlattening: false, deadCodeInjection: false, debugProtection: false, debugProtectionInterval: 0, dis...
exclude:['**/static/chunk/_*'], debugger:true, options:{ compact:true, controlFlowFlattening:false, deadCodeInjection:false, debugProtection:false, debugProtectionInterval:0, disableConsoleOutput:false, identifierNamesGenerator:'hexadecimal',
import obfuscatorPlugin from "vite-plugin-javascript-obfuscator"; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ obfuscatorPlugin({ include: ["src/path/to/file.js", "path/anyjs/**/*.js", /foo.js$/], exclude: [/node_modules/], apply: "build", debugger: true, options: { // yo...
autoExcludeNodeModulesEnable auto exclude node_modules.boolean | ({ enable: true; manualChunks: string[] } | { enable: false })falsev1.0.9 (originally boolean, extended to current type in v1.3.0) logShow or hide log output.booleantruev1.0.4 ...
| **`exclude`** | `Array\|String\|RegExp\|Function` | `[/node_modules/, /\.nuxt/]`| Configure this option to exclude files | | **`options`** | `Object` | javascript-obfuscator default options | [See more options](
75ab3c7 src index.ts .DS_Store .gitignore .prettierignore LICENSE package.json pnpm-lock.yaml rollup.config.mjs tsconfig.json yarn.lock Breadcrumbs vite-plugin-javascript-obfuscator /src / File metadata and controls 93 lines (77 loc) · 3.18 KB ...
autoExcludeNodeModules: true, // autoExcludeNodeModules: { enable: true, manualChunks: ['vue'] } threadPool: true, // threadPool: { enable: true, size: 4 } }; export default { plugins: [ vitePluginBundleObfuscator(minimizeObfuscatorConfig) ] }; // Default configurations export de...
- Feature/support exclude node modules * fix: enable option should control all processes * feat: add apply option * feat: add zh doc ### [v1.0.8]( - 11 September 2024 ## 1.0.9 - feat: upgrade to...
exclude: [/node_modules/], apply: "build", debugger: true, options: { // your javascript-obfuscator options /** your javascript-obfuscator options */ // compact: true, // debugProtection: true, // controlFlowFlattening: false, // ... [See more options](