The script file seems to have been downloaded even though it wasn't executed. Also, I'm pretty sure IE11 wouldn't likeimport './style.css';or the template string if the script was running. I used the default vite.config.js from @vitejs/plugin-legacy for this: import legacy from "@...
vite-plugin-vue2 1.9.3 And it seems to be okay with IE11. Gosh, you have no idea how much I hate to maintain IE11 compatibility on that project... What a nightmare. Thank you very much!
Describe the bug Hey, I try to build a template lib with Vite + Vue2.7.3 + @vitejs/plugin-vue2, to support IE11, as vitesse-lite. Everything is all right, but have a problem after build. There is a index-legacy-[hash].js file, it include...
IMHO, app which import the lib should care about to bunde it to be capable of old browser. It's not like build a site. So @vitejs/plugin-legacy doesn't need to support some IE 11. Thoughts? This rationale does not consider building a UMD formatted bundle (which is one of the defau...
Describe the bug For older browsers with IE 11 support generated file polyfills-legacy.[hash].js should not contain use strict directive, but it does. It is required by polyfill regenerator-runtime/runtime which contains a comment: This ...
Describe the bug I set build: {polyfillModulePreload: true,target: 'chrome58'} in vite.config.ts, but TypeError: a.replaceAll is not a function throw at chrome84. Reproduction System Info System: OS: macOS 12...