需求1:通过 injectHtml 添加 script。看了这个插件的实现,无法支持。可以考虑在 vite-plugin-index-html 直接支持。 需求2:自定义 assetOutDir,通过https://ice.work/docs/config/about/#outputassetspath可以实现 需求3:hash 后缀可以通过 rollup 的https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputentryfilenames来实现,...
:spider_web: Import, inline (and compress) GLSL shader files :electric_plug: - vite-plugin-glsl/index.html at main · UstymUkhman/vite-plugin-glsl
@ small-tech / vite-plugin-sri (SRI)插件。 在构建时,将子资源完整性哈希添加到从index.html文件导入的脚本和样式表中。 安装 npm i --save-dev @small-tech/vite-plugin-sri 采用 在您的vite.config.js文件中: import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import sri from '@small-tech/vite-plugin-sri'...
There are four places you can inject a code snippet to - the beginning and end of the index.htmlheadtag and the beginning and end ofbody CorrespondinginjectTovalues are:head-prepend,head,body-prependandbody Installation pnpm add vite-plugin-html-injection -D ...
A magical vite plugin that helps you to generate and manage documentation website. - vite-plugin-book/gh-pages/index.html at main · Saul-Mirone/vite-plugin-book
// vite.config.tsimporthtmlTemplatefrom'vite-plugin-html-template'//@seehttps://vitejs.dev/config/exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins:[// ...other pluginshtmlTemplate(/* options */),],}) Options likevue-cli#pages // for SPA, there is nothing to do, just use `public/index.html` as te...
A vite plugin to use mdx with more opinionated features - vite-plugin-mdx-plus/playground/index.html at master · Codpoe/vite-plugin-mdx-plus
a vite plugin for code preview / 一个代码预览插件. Contribute to litingyes/vite-plugin-vue-preview development by creating an account on GitHub.
I am using vite + your plugin to create Google Apps Scripts (AddOns for Google Sheets). All JS and CSS have to be inlined, so that works perfectly. The issue that i have is, that i need multiple view alá index.html files. How can i achieve this? My current approach is this: ...
viteplugin formonaco-editor, inject scripts for index.html Features Use libraries in thenode_modulesdirectory whenvite serve Optional use oflocalorCDNwhenvite build Install #pnpmpnpm add monaco-editor pnpm add @tomjs/vite-plugin-monaco-editor -D#yarnyarn add monaco-editor yarn add @tomjs/vite-...