//https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-ssr/configuring-ssr ssr: { // ssrPwaHtmlFilename: 'offline.html', // do NOT use index.html as name! // will mess up SSR // extendSSRWebserverConf (esbuildConf) {}, // extendPackageJson (json) {}, pwa: false, // manualStore...
问题十:在vite-ssg的github项目issue中问的最多的就是打包的时候报错:"window is not defined","document is not defined" . 打包是在服务器,是没有BOM浏览器相关的东西的。所以在使用window的时候,我们分两种情况来使用 初始化的时候,可以在ViteSSG第三个参数函数中的isClient来判断是否是浏览器中。npm vite-...
(app)/+page.svelte: Internal server error: window is not defined at file:///home/spe/backed/node_modules/three-forcegraph/dist/three-forcegraph.mjs:416:15 at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:198:25) at async Promise.all (index 0) at async ESMLoader.import (node:...
js是构建客户端应用程序的框架,在默认情况下,在浏览器输出Vue组件,进行生成DOM和操作DOM。Vue SSR ...
If you are using SSR with Inertia, you may instead use the inertia:start-ssr Artisan command to start the SSR server:php artisan inertia:start-ssrLaravel's starter kits already include the proper Laravel, Inertia SSR, and Vite configuration. Check out Laravel Breeze for the fastest way to ...
'assets',// 是否开启ssr服务断渲染ssr: false,// 重命名路径 path.resolve(__dirname, './src')alias : {'/@/': path.resolve(__dirname, './src')},// 端口port: 3002,// 是否自动开启浏览器open: false,// 开启控制台输出日志silent: false,// 哪个第三方的包需要重新编译optimizeDeps:[],}}...
(\n '--ssr [entry]',\n `[string] build specified entry for server-side rendering`\n )\n .option(\n '--sourcemap',\n `[boolean] output source maps for build (default: false)`\n )\n .option(\n '--minify [minifier]',\n `[boolean | \"terser\" | \"esbuild\"] enable/...
2043 export declare interface SSROptions { 2044 external?: string[]; 2045 noExternal?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]; 2046 /** 2047 * Define the target for the ssr build. The browser field in package.json 2048 * is ignored for node but used if webworker is the ta...
但后来发现这是一条 dead end…,首先 webpack 版本更新至 5,配置几乎全部重新写,然后很多浏览器对象created里执行的,还有main文件的一些方法,在服务端渲染的过程中都不能使用,例如报window/document/localstorage/sessionStorage/history is not defined,因为 node 运行时服务端获取不到执行不了… ...
"@vue/compiler-ssr" "3.2.33" "@vue/reactivity-transform" "3.2.33" "@vue/shared" "3.2.33" estree-walker "^2.0.2" magic-string "^0.25.7" postcss "^8.1.10" source-map "^0.6.1" "@vue/compiler-ssr@3.2.33":