"dev": "vite",- "build": "vite build"+ "build": "vite-ssg build"// 想使用另外的vite配置文件,不使用原本的vite.config.ts,把build的命令改成下面这样+ "build": "vite-ssg build -c another-vite.config.ts"} } src/router/index.ts(vue-router) 之后,需要修改在原本的项目中配置好的src/rou...
vite-ssg-sitemap - Sitemap generator @vueuse/head - manipulate document head reactively vite-plugin-webfont-dl - Zero-config webfont (Google Fonts) downloader and injector to improve website's performance. vite-plugin-vue-devtools - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience. Coding Style ...
'vite-ssg-sitemap' import Layouts from 'vite-plugin-vue-la youts' import Components from 'unplugin-vue-compo nents/vite' import Markdown from 'vite-plugin-vue-ma rkdown' import VueI18n from '@intlify/ unplugin-vue-i18n/ vite'
Integrated API/server routes Hybrid SSR/SSG support Supports Angular CLI and Nx workspaces Getting Started Use your package manager of choice to create a new project With npm: npm create analog@latest With pnpm: pnpm create analog@latest
vite-ssg-sitemap - Sitemap generator @vueuse/head - manipulate document head reactively vite-plugin-webfont-dl - Zero-config webfont (Google Fonts) downloader and injector to improve website's performance. vite-plugin-vue-devtools - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience. Coding Style ...
vite-ssg-sitemap - Sitemap generator @vueuse/head - manipulate document head reactively vite-plugin-webfont-dl - Zero-config webfont (Google Fonts) downloader and injector to improve website's performance. vite-plugin-vue-devtools - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience. Coding Style ...
vite-ssg-sitemap - Sitemap generator @vueuse/head - manipulate document head reactively vite-plugin-vue-inspector - jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatically vite-plugin-webfont-dl - Zero-config webfont (Google Fonts) downloader and injector to improve websit...
vite-ssg-sitemap- Sitemap generator @vueuse/head- manipulate document head reactively Coding Style Use Composition API withSFC syntax ESLintwith@antfu/eslint-config, single quotes, no semi. Dev tools TypeScript Vitest- Unit testing powered by Vite Cypress- E2E testing...
vite-ssg-sitemap - Sitemap generator @vueuse/head - manipulate document head reactively vite-plugin-vue-inspector - jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatically Coding Style Use Composition API with SFC syntax ESLint with @antfu/eslint-config, single quotes, n...